Lucca Romano

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I slowly reverse my car in the garage parking it up, before seeing a fimiliar Grey Range Rover taking vacancy of my carpark. I back out of the garage closing the electric door behind me and parking my Gran Torino in the driveway. Quickly hopping out I grab my belongings from the back seat before making my way inside my house.

"PAPÀ!" I yell from the hallway. I put my car keys on the side table hearing no response.

"Dad!" I try again.

Still nothing.

"Lucca Romano are you there?" I yell using his whole name.

Still hearing no response I decide to make my way to the kitchen, When a tall figure pops out and scares the the living lights out of me.

"Mi hai chiamato Tess? Did you call me Tess?" My Dad says as he pops out of one of the side rooms.

"Jesus Pa! Are you trying to kill me." I cry with one hand on my racing heart.

"Hey don't use Jesus' name in vain!" He says flicking my forehead. I feel the corners of my mouth turn up before I jump on him giving my dad the biggest bear hug ever.

"You're blocking my air ways Tessa." He stuggles to say.

"Sorry!" I say untangling myself from the hug. "What are you doing back pa? I thought you were coming back in two weeks."

"Two weeks are too long Tessa, I can't leave my 17 year old daughter behind for two months!" He says tilting his head to the side giving me a sad smile. "You're growing up too fast for your old man, soon you're going to become an adult and want to move into your own apartment and mi-

"Papà let's just focus on the present yeah?" I say half laughing at my fathers emotional speech, he can be such a softie some times.

"Yes, Yes of course- Why do you smell like chlorine?" He says with a raised eyebrow.

"Um... just fell in the display fountain at school, you know how clumsy I can be." I mutter with and uneasy smile.

"Fell in the fountain huh?" He says still giving me a questioning look. while I nod my head a bit to eagerly. "Well, why don't you go upstairs and take a shower. Then quickly make your way back down so we can catch up yes?"

"Bene...ehm papà?" I say before making my way up the stairs.

"Si?" He says turning back around before going into the living room.

"Mi sei mancato Pa!" I say with a bright smile on my face.

"I missed you too Tessa!" He says with small smile.

I quickly run up the stairs to my room getting ready just so I can go back downstairs to hang out with my dad.

You see my Father is a very busy man, he's the main financier for one of the biggest hotel companies in the world, Meaning he travels a lot and I rarely see him. He comes home now and then when he's in town but mostly he's either in France, Thailand, Mexico etc. He even goes back to Venezuela, where my Granmama lives, he takes me with him so I can visit my family, But mostly he travels by himself or with Gio. Gio is the Co-owner of the Hotel company along with his twin sister Sofia. Giovanni Jacobs is also my dad's best friend, who happens to be the father of Kaleb and Ethan.

It might seem alot that my father leaves me at home by myself, but being a single dad is very hard, especially when he had me at the young age of 21. A few years later my mother took off to God knows where, leaving my Father to raise a daughter by himself, he had no family here except for Gio, as they were all back home in Venezuela. So he worked his ass off to help support me and he's done a pretty damn well good job too.
We can afford just about anything that we've wanted, but we live in a way as to appreciate what's given to you, we use the money wisely to only get the things that we need. I could be living in a 10 bedroom mansion with butlers and maids, but both me and my dad feel like it's a waste of money. Even though he might not be around as much, I still appreciate everything he does for me and try not to take anything for granted. He's given me more than enough, and that's all I could ever ask God for.

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