Marry me

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Noah and I are walking side by side slowly, Jae and Carter have already disappeared from our view leaving just the two of us behind alone. I don't know what this conversation will be about so I start with small talk, which was completely pointless because he didn't answer any of my questions. I lost two years of useless breath, trying to make conversation, what a bloody waste. I was literally talking to the trees surrounding us and because I was humiliated I tried not to spark up another conversation, until I realised the one thing I wanted to talk to him about I nearly forgot.

"Dude, what's going on with you and Janna?" I ask curiously.

Noah's head snaps to mine and a slow smile crosses his face. He pulls back his hair behind his ears, a thing he does when he's nervous about something. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

I pinch my eyebrows. "You wanted to talk about Janna with me....why? I have a bad feeling about this conversation."

"What?" Noah snaps. "Why would you think something like that, I've only said one sentence this whole time."

"Now you're getting way too defensive Matthews." I wink trying to calm his nerves. "Please don't tell me, you're going to ask her to marry you. You can't, I forbid it."

"Tessa it's–"

"Nope I forbid it." I repeat crossing my arms as I take large steps, heading further and further away.

"Can you–"

I shake my head before interrupting him. "No Noah. You guys only met about less then a month ago and you're soooo young, both of you guys. I'm not letting you make a mistake for the sake of your futures."

He doesn't say anything else but I can feel his glare at the side of my face. I'm suspicious and turn to look at him and just like I predicted he's glowering at me with annoyance. "Are you done Tessa? Can I finally talk without getting interrupted?"

"Are you two going to get married?" I challenge him back, he reels his head back and chuckles irritated. He mumbles something in the sky along the lines of Help and God.

He finally looks back at me and lifts his hand stopping me from saying another word. "I am not going to ask Janna to marry me. Do you want me to repeat it in Spanish? La verdad es que nunca me quiero casar...entendido?"

"Sí" I shrug innocently and he sighs. "Què es?"

"Actually the opposite." Noah mutter under his breath.

I look at him and confused and he looks at me as if I'm stupid, which I probably am because all this walking and physical exercise really plays with my head. "So you're getting a divorce?"

"I can't tell if you're really just fucking with me right now Tessa." Noah has a displeasing look on his face, and I know the more I'm playing stupid the less he's going to open up. So I smile and gesture with my hand to continue on. He rolls his eyes and his neck as he looks towards the open field, it's night time so from here it looks like a mysterious dark hole. The scenery is giving off these horror movie kind of vibes and I'm fucking with it, kinda has it's own aesthetic–"

"I'm not feeling Janna." Noah blurts out all of a sudden placing a pause to my train of thought, my head snaps so quick to his that it could've snapped right off.

"Discuple? I think I forgot to turn my hearing aid on." I reach behind my ear pretending to play with a imaginary device as if I actually had one. "Did you just say you're not feeling Janna or was it something else? Because if you just said what I think you said get ready to play real life Immortal Combat."

I start lifting the sleeves of my cardigan before jumping into a stance lifting my hands above my face. Noah is looking at me weirdly not knowing what to say, while on the other hand I'm ready as hell. "Can't wait to put a dent in your pretty little face."

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