First Date

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I wake up with Jae brushing his fingers through my hair, he's moved us to the couch with him sitting and my head laying gently on his thighs. He's leaning against the arm of the couch, his eyes glued to an action movie that's being played on the low. He's thrown a blanket over my body to cover me from the cold. His hand stops moving and I let out a small growl making him look down at me, he smiles when he sees I'm awake and moves the hair sprawled against my skin to place a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"What's the time?" I ask groggily rubbing against my eyes, I get up from my laying position and lean against Jae's shoulder still consumed with sleep.

"It's nearly 5:30" He answers and adds. "Your dad called."

Suddenly my body falls stiff, and I try to raise my head slowly off his shoulders but his hand captures my wrist. "Relax Tess, he said he won't be home until 11ish. He's working late tonight, something about the systems."

I let out a heavy breath closing my eyes from the relief that washes over me, I still have time to sort out my thoughts before I have to confront my dad. My arms wrap around Jae's waist, as I snuggle against him. He chuckles lightly his body vibrating under my touch, my head resting on his chest. For awhile we just stay there staring at the TV but not really watching, just him and I enjoying each other's company. He starts to peel off my arms from around him and although I protest he continues until he's out of my reach and standing in front of me.

"We can't sit here all afternoon and mope." Jae explains. "Let's go do something, to get your mind off the situation for awhile."

I pout. "I'm not mopping"

"Yes, you're doing it right now." Jae shakes his head. "Cmon baby, it's just you and me for at least 7 hours. I'll buy you mint chocolate chip ice-cream."

I glare at him and fold my arms across my chest as if I'm a child having a tantrum. "I want a double scoop in a sugar cone."

"Deal." Jae smiles. He reaches out to me and I take his hands as he helps me from the couch. I start to head to the hallway to change outfits but Jae stops me by capturing my wrist. I stare at him confused and he shakes his head. "You look fine Tessa, you don't need to change."

I look down at my current outfit. My grey sweatpants accompany my black hoodie which my dad purchased when we went to the RWC in 2011. My dad's favourite team emblem printed right in the centre. I shoot Jae a dry look and he shrugs his shoulders innocently.
I don't bother arguing if he's willing to pay for ice-cream, so I grab my black trainers that were laying in the hallway and slip them on before we both exit the house.

"Jae where are we going?" I ask curiously. I look out the window wearily as he drives the opposite direction of Tom and Jerry's. He grabs my wrist and brings my hand to his mouth pecking the my knuckles. I shake my head and he chuckles not letting go of my hand, our fingers intertwined between the front seats.

"Don't worry about it." He reassures me. I start feeling self-conscious about my outfit. Unnecessary thoughts swirling my mind. What happens if he's taking me somewhere fancy or if we're going somewhere where a lot of people will recognise us. "Stop overthinking it Tessa, your hand is basically squeezing the life out of my own."

I sigh releasing the tension in my hand and slouch against the door. I am overthinking it. I can trust Jae, if he said I shouldn't worry about my outfit then I shouldn't.

We make it in front of a large warehouse with only a few cars parked outside. The large neon sign is hauled brightly above the entrance. Ten Pin is what is flashing on the sign with two pins overlapping each other. Jae parks near the entrance and quickly jogs to my side of the car to open my door. He offers me his hand which of course I take, and leads me to the revolving doors of the ten pin bowling alley.

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