Nothing but a badass bitch

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"So anyways...Just as I was about to walk-" I sit there staring at Janna as she rambles on about Eli's party, I had finally got dish out of her regarding the kiss her and Noah had shared. When I asked her about it, her face turned completely red as she shyly looked down at her feet. But as soon as I had told her that Noah had told me, she went on a full rampage about what happened, with her side of the story in case Noah had made up his own little dirty secrets.

"-Then he like looked in my eyes. I'm telling you now Tess I thought my head was about to explode." Janna explains, her arms flying out everywhere. "Then all of a sudden he was pulling in for a-"

Her voice starts to drown out as she looks above my head to the entrance. I wave my hand in front of her face, but she's in her own little world right now. I went to turn around in my chair then.

"BOO!" A voice screams in my face, my body reacting on it's own as I jolt back hurting my backside against the table. I wince at the pain, closing my eyes before placing a firery glare as I open them. The past few weeks I've spent my nights hanging out at the parlour with Janna, moaning about all my problems like a typical 17 year old teenager. Not only have my problems come out to Janna but also Stefan, because I recently found out that these two are cousins.

"Did you have a death wish Stefan!!" I cry out, as I rub my back in agony. He barks into laughter, holding his stomach as his shoulders shake. I curl my hands into fists before quickly  punching him right in the stomach.

He crutches his abdominal area with both hands, bending over with the redness shading his face as his eyes squeeze in pain. I sit up before turning around to face Janna who has a smirk already in place, giving me a high five. Suddenly the chair is pulled out, as the floor beneath us squeaks. Stefan slowly sits down still clutching at his stomach, having a stupid but painful smile on his face.

"Fuck, Tessa." Stefan cries. "You're really not one to go easy?"

I smile. "No, I asked you if you had a death wish, that was barely a stroke I gave you."

"It felt more like a heart attack to me." Stefan says, leaning back into his chair his head faced towards the ceiling. I roll my eyes at him, letting out a single breath.

"So as you were saying." I say to Janna.

She giggles at the sight, before placing her hand over her mouth while shaking her head. "No never mind I'll tell you the rest some other time, but honestly Stefan looks like he's in so much pain."

I look at Stefan who's still dramatically looking at the lights above us, if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "I better go get him some ice from the back freezer." Janna says before standing up.

"Wait" I interrupt, I scrimmage through my bag searching before the fake leather is felt in my hand. I pull my wallet out giving Janna a five dollar note. "Can you get me an ice-cream please!"

I look at her giving her my puppy dog eyes, my dad can never say no to. But I might as well see if I can bribe Janna with it. She rolls her eyes, before retrieving the note and scrunching it up in her hand.

"What flavour?" She asks.

"Chocolate." I answer

She walks off towards the counter disappearing  through the back doors of the ice-cream Parlour. I turn my attention back to Stefan, his gaze fixed on me, I catch him before he dramatically faces the other way.

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