Netflix and Chill

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As soon as I parked my car up, I dragged my lazy bum to the sitting room before placing my school bag in the doorway. I slouched down on the couch before turning on the television, flipping through the channels.

"Hey kiddo."

I turn my attention away from the T.V and towards the doorframe which connects the kitchen and the living room. My father stands there with a bowl of chips in his hand, and a smile plastered to his face. He makes his way towards the couch sitting at the opposite end placing the bowl on the coffee table. I dig my grubby hands into the bowl of chips before popping it into my mouth.

"How was school?" Dad asks.

I sit back into the couch and slouch down with my arms folded over my chest. "Same old, same old."

"Oh don't act too excited." He says sarcastically, leaning towards the bowl of chips."What are you doing tonight?"

"Probably sit here with my favorite Pa and watch a couple of movies." I mutter, stuffing more chips in my mouth.

"Tessa it's Friday, don't you have plans or something? " He questions.

"Nah not really." I pick the remote back up flicking through the movies on netflix. "What do you wanna watch old man?"

"Anything you want-" Interupted by his ringtone, he pulls out his phone from his pocket before hitting the home button. The screen lights up his face as he reads the message on his phone.

"Damn it!" He whispers.

"What?" I ask worriedly, looking at his facial features as his brows scrunch up at his screen.

"Nothing serious, just that I have to meet Gio at the new hotel to finalise some details." Dad says his attention still on his screen.

"Oh yes, the opening tomorrow night." I mumble.

"Yes kiddo, don't act like you forgot."

"I didn't, I still don't want to go though."

He looks up from the screen giving me a little nod. "Too bad I already told Sofia, she's really excited to see you again."

Damn you.

"If it wasn't for Sofia, I would've booked a ticket to the next city for the weekend."

"Ha-Ha." Dad deadpans.

Argh. I flip over on my stomach before deciding on watching 10 things I hate about you. Papa has just gone to his room to put appropriate clothes on, something about always looking professional. I flip back over dragging the small blanket that was at the end of couch over my cold legs. I place the bowl of chips on the pit of my stomach, for easy access.

Halfway through the intro of the movie, my phone starts to vibrate. I pick it up from the coffee table checking the caller I.D which flashes saying Private caller. I end it quickly before returning back to my movie, but five minutes later my phone goes off again, with that same private caller.

I swipe to the right before putting it against my ear. "What?!"

"What's up babe?" A fimliar voice says from the other end of the line.

"Noah?" I question.

"Nah it's Channing Tatum, yes it's Noah." He yells through the phone.

I grab the remote before pausing the movie as I sit up straight. "If you just called to annoy me, then can you do me a favour and punch yourself in the face please."

"You wish, I don't call people, people call me." Noah states.

"What do you call this then?" I say.

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