Heart of steel.

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When you think it couldn't get any worse...it does.

As I entered the corridors of Dickson High all eyes were glued on me, as if I was the last Chocolate covered strawberry at the picnic. A strawberry which was dropped and is now covered in dog shit. I guess now everybody knows who am I, and probably have heard about the whole situation that went on between the three most popular boys in school, and the girl who was barely noticed or even existed as a human being all together. I thought panic would rise above me with all this attention I'm suddenly getting, but with what happened over the weekend my carefree attitude has escaped, and I'm having quite a hard time trying to keep my fists stuck to the sides of my body.

Did you hear? She payed them to actually talk to her, what a lowlife.

I heard she blackmailed Noah into sleeping with her. Our poor Noey.

I bet she made up the rumors herself.

I heard she's pregnant. Mhmm second child, different baby daddies.

Okay seriously? Pregnant? First I'm a teenage mother and now I'm having my second child? I've gotta say though these rumors are getting quite creative, who even make these things up? Now that's someone who has a lot of free time on their hands.

I wanna laugh. I really do.

No more pretending to be 'shy' Tessa, it's time for the real Tessa to come out and let her inner bitch fight her battles. The person I've been hiding behind, the lonely shadow that's following me around is now ready to be shown with confidence. With all the rumors that are being said-not behind me back- but right in front of my face, the invisible Tessa would have shaken them off but not today. Nu-uh bitch not today.

"Okay listen here all you little spawns of Satan." I yell. All the whispers and the mumbling has stopped and now all heads are snapped in my direction. They all look at me with slit like eyes and a mask of hatred cemented over their faces as if I had just insulted one of their family members.

Alright...I did call them devil children, but c'mon they said I just conceived two children, sue me.

"Good, since now I've gotten your attention I want to go over a few things with you guys." I let out a small breath. "I'm going to give props to whoever made these rumors up because listening to some of them make me wanna really L.O.L, even if I do feel like throwing a huge rock at your face."

I laugh no humour traced in what so ever. "In fact my favourite one is that apparently I've been casted for the Hit MTV series sixteen and pregnant. First of all I am nearly 18 years old which defeats half of the purpose of actually entering that program, but also I don't know if you guys have heard but... IM NOT OR HAVE BEEN PREGNANT!"

"I also haven't fucked any of your so called precious playboys, so get the fuck off my back and mind your own business." I breathe out. All wide eyes are looking at me shocked at my outburst. "Some of yous hardly had a clue about who I was, then suddenly I'm labeled a slut just because I could get what yous couldn't."

"So right now at this very moment, I'd appreciate if yous would stop with the rumors or else someone is going to get expelled from her second school. And you bet I'm talking about myself, so if any of yous get in my way think again because I can kindly replay what I did to the last girl who tried to test me."

Okay right now I've just lost my cool and probably half of my temper. Girls whimper in fear and the guys, well they look just as scared as Noah did when I threatened to slaughter both his balls off. My breathing becomes heavy and I can just feel the redness that has now replaced the colour of my naturally tanned skin.

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