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"If it's Sex you want, you guys better start running." I suddenly blurt out.

"WHAT!" They say in unison.

"Don't act so suprised. You don't want to be friends with me."

"Why are you so difficult?" Noah says, looking up towards the ceiling. "First we try to talk to you-"

"By grabbing me by my bag-"

"Then you make us chase you around the school-"

"And ambush me in the girls bathroom, which I dare need to say, do you not have any respect for a woman's needs-"

"Then we end up having to get Jae to literally carry you just so we could have a conversation." Noah finishes.

"Yeah because all 3 of those points scream 'let's be friends.' " I say sarcastically. "Am I missing something here? Because I'm pretty sure that's not how you make them."

They all huff out a huge breath feeling defeated.

serves you right!

"Tessa, just hear us out." Carter says. I sit there eyeing out all three of them, my

"So Tessa Romano, the real reason why we wanted to talk to you is actually so we could become your friends. You may think that you're invisible to everyone in this school but in fact, the three of us. We can see through you but we also know you exist, you stay in this little cocoon where you try and escape the rest of the world, but sooner or later you're going to realise that keeping to yourself isn't much fun. That you wish you just had someone to just talk and basically hang with, we're just here giving you a head start into this whole making friends thing. plus I'm getting sick of hanging out with the two same people everyday." Carter says.

"No offense guys"

"We were thinking the same thing" Jae mutters.

"Friends huh?" I question.

"Yeah. Just friends." Noah answers.

I sit there for a moment taking it all in, for the past 3 years, I can't remember the last time I had interacted with people outside of school. I always kept to myself because it just seemed like the Normal for me. Having people in your group could cause drama and the one thing I hate, more then chessy pick up lines is being the center of attention. Knowing the status of each of them, being known as Popular, Rich, good looking guys does not in any way help with me being unnoticed. The thing that keeps swirling around in my head is why in the world would they want to do this? But most importantly why me?

"I'm still not convinced. what's the catch? Because there's always a bloody catch!" I say.

"There's no catch, all we want to do is help you be more comfortable with the outside world." Noah says.

"I am comfortable, I Just-."

"You choose not to!" Jae interupts. "We know that. But one day you'll wake up and regret wasting your youth, just because you don't feel like you should be doing what other kids your age are doing, like having fun."

"You don't get it" I say, just wanting to lie on the bed and sink in the mattress.

"If anyone of us 'gets it' then that's Jae." Carter states.

"Listen I know-

I'm cut off when the door slams open and in comes our school nurse. You think Hawkeyes harsh, well meet the female version of him. Mrs. Stein.

"Now what are you three hooligans doing in the nurses office, unless you're close to dying then I might need to turn you in to the Principle.

She just said three. Sometimes being the invisible girl has perks like you can get away with anything without getting caught. The fact she said three was stated towards, Noah Matthews, Carter Richards and Jae Dallas.

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