The big night.

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I'm currently sitting in front of my mirror glaring at myself, wondering why I even agreed to this.

This is for your Dad Tessa!!

I let out a huge breath, agreeing with myself. I'm doing this for Papà, also the fact that I will be able to see Sofia and Gio tonight...not going to lie, 89.9% of it is for the food. I may not like these rich people functions, but if it means free expensive food. I'll be there faster then you can say cheeseburgers.

It's a Saturday night and through out the events that happened today, all I did was shop for this stupid hotel opening. Every time I opened my mouth to say that I didn't want to go, I quickly had to shut it. Reminding myself this was for my dad, for my Papà.

Okay...and the food. I dragged Carter to the biggest mall we had in search for a dress for tonights event. I had taken Carter with me because he knows fashion more then I know my multiple times. Half of me was relieved I did, while the other half was not. Carter being Carter, sat there reminding me, "I model guys clothes not girls." I just continued to ignore him, but weather or not he kept repeating himself that he's a guy, Carter still managed to gag at every dress he thought was hideous and raise his eyebrows at the one's he approved of. Which I didn't, because every dress he liked resulted me into looking like 20 year old stripper, shaking her tits in front of 40 year old pedophiles to pay for overdue rent.

Nuh-uh honey.

5 hours of shopping, not even once had Carter complained. Which could've suprised me but the 4 hours that we spent in the mall, was all on Carter and his search for 2 new pairs of shoes and 3 different outfits from a store I was too scared to even step into. In less then an hour, I was able to find a dress that we both approved of. Carter still wanted me to wear the two piece he thought I would look sexy in, until I slapped his head right and he agreed instantly.

I stand up from the stool before transporting to the 1 metre mirror that's leaned against my wall helplessly. I twirl around a little before giving myself a once over.
It's a white long sleeve backless dress, it's long and modest that it's just tight enough to show my curves, a small string connects one sleave to the other, as my exposed back line stops before my hips making my ass pop out.

Well well well, I have a nice butt.

The thing is if I wear heals, I'll be guaranteed that I'd be in the hospital for a broken ankle. Lucky my dress is long enough that I just settle for my all white Vans. I take my hair out of it's curls as it falls down my back in waves, I pin the front strands of my hair back so my face is bare.We can thank Youtube for that. My makeup is plain, since I'm not very talented in that area, so a light coat of foundation and some blush with small flick of winged eyeliner, finishing it off with a dark purple gloss on my lips.

The fact that I had to do this all by myself is a miracle. I turn once more, before grabbing my small black purse and heading down the stairs to my Dad. As I reach the bottom one I do a small jump off it, hearing a small laugh from my left. I turn to see my Papà smiling at me, with his classic black and white tux and his polished dress shoes, his black with specks of grey hair is slicked to the back in a professional manner.

"You look beautiful my little sunshine." My Dad says, as I feel a smile tug at my lips.

He walks towards me, giving me a warm hug then looking at me like he's going to cry. "Um Papà, don't cry it's weird."

He just laughs, giving me one last smile before a horn brings us out of our Father Daughter moment. My Dad opens the door and a black BMW is parked outside our drive way with a chauffeur in the seat. My eyes widen but then turn to slits as I face my Dad, he see's my expression before rolling his eyes smiling at me.

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