You're an idiot

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Jae's POV:

Is there an award for being the biggest douchebag? Because honestly, I think it's safe to say, I would be the top participant.

I feel like a bloody stalker, how pathetic can I continue to be. I was about to round the corner of the building before I saw Tessa walk out from behind, her cellphone plastered to her ear as her arms fly out in frustration.

"He left me again." Tessa yells into her phone.

It doesn't take a genius to know who she's talking about, I slouch against the brick building. My head slowly mending into the wall, I continue to listen to her conversation as my name comes up again for the third time.

"He probably expected me to sit in the car with Brooklyn and Carter as they make out in the front seat." I chuckle at her explanation, a small smile threatening at my lips.

"Jae?" A voice yells from behind me, I turn to see Noah walking up to me. I quickly place a finger on my lips, slowly popping my head around the corner to see if Tessa heard Noah's loud voice. She hasn't but she continues to curse me out over the phone, who I'm guessing is Janna on the other end of the line.

Noah walks up beside me, popping his head out to look at what has my curiosity. When he see's Tessa, he smiles mischievously and lifts his eyebrows teasingly. "What Jae? Are you afraid of her now?"

"Fuck off Noah" I push gently on his shoulder, and he laughs.

"Then why are you hiding here like a little bitch?"

Maybe because I don't want to confront her yet. What happened three days ago had set off another bunch of feelings, that I didn't even know existed. The look on her face when she saw me helpless bleeding from my wounds, was a look big enough to make me want to pull her into me, and tell her how much it sucks seeing the stress lines on her forehead over me.

I know, I'm romantic.

She looked scared and even I was afraid she was going to run away, but she never did. She took little steps cautious to stand near me, but did it anyways despite her fear. I wanted to make her leave, I didn't want her to be in the same room with me while I looked and felt so weak. Her voice sounded so broken, that I couldn't fight against her anymore. I was too afraid that she would walk out, and never come back, I knew that would most definitely hurt more then the punches Stefan took to my jaw.

She never left, and I didn't want her to either. She stayed with me, wrapped in my arms as she fell into a deep sleep until the morning after. That confirmed how much I needed her. I didn't sleep a wink that evening, I was so caught up with her that I wanted to be awake for every moment. Her hair smelt so good and I couldn't stop nuzzling my nose into it, she would squirm a little tightening her arms around my waist and digging her head into my chest. It felt so normal for her to be here in my arms, it felt like she always belonged here.

Then I had to go screw it all, and leave her in my empty bed when she woke up. I have been avoiding her ever since.

You can just give me that award now.

"I don't know." I finally answer his question. The playfulness on his face leaves, and he looks at me with an undeniable seriousness.

We stand there in silence, before I push off the wall, starting to walk to the direction of Tessa. "I'll go talk to her."

Noah pulls on my arm, making me stumble back into hiding. "No I'll talk to her. I don't want you saying shit you're going to regret later."

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