Crushed it

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"Are you avoiding me?"

"No." I whisper. I haul my bag over my shoulder securely, keeping my eyes on the ground. I step to the left but there's no use because he just mirrors me. I turn around on my heel to walk the opposite direction but his hand grasps tightly on my upper arm. I make a sharp turn glaring at him but he returns it with a cheeky smirk.

"Hi." He mutters. "I'm Noah and you must be avoiding me."


"Oh cmon, I deserve some credit." Noah pouts. "It was pretty funny, admit it."

I roll my eyes. "Yes. Now let me go to my next class."

"Not so fast Usain." He places both hands on my arms stopping me from attempting to brush past him. I just want to walk away, no questions asked but people like me aren't so lucky.

"Really Noah? I'm going to be late!" I cry.

"Not my problem sunshine." He laughs. "Now tell me what's going on between you and my boy."

I try to swallow the lump in my throat but there's no use, I can't look away either or that will become really obvious. All I can do is stare him straight in the face and say.


That was pretty pathetic, I dragged out the "a" and my voice went on another level of high.
I could literally drop dead if I wanted but I need to live to graduate high school. Then I can die.

"What?" He mimics quite pathetic as mine, maybe even better? "You heard me."

"Carter?" I question, tilting my head to the side. "We're totally cool, I don't know what you're talking about-"

"I know it's not hard for you to act dumb but stop." Noah lifts an eyebrow.

"Hey." I protest. Okay I'm impressed, I would expect a comment like that coming from me but Noah? It's like the time seven eleven came out with free slushy refills.

"That was pretty good." I shrug.

"I know." Noah nods "I've been waiting to use that line ever since I found out how much of a smart arse you were."

"Figures, I'm quite the girl." I wink jokingly before attempting another brush pass, but he see's right through it and continues to follow in my step.

"Nice try. Using a compliment to hook me out of further investigation." He smirks. "Now tell me."

"There's nothing to say." I roll my eyes.

"Psh, Tessa we know." Noah says. "You've been avoiding him for the last two days and you live with the guy!"

I wouldn't call it avoiding; ignoring? But definitely not avoiding.

"I haven't seen the kid in two days." I respond.

"It's because you're too busy ducking and hiding behind anyone and everyone." Noah sighs. "On Saturday, you basically spent the whole day with Janna and then you came home and went straight to sleep."

"It was a pretty wild day." I half laugh. "We spent a hour trying all the new flavours at the parlour and then-"

"Sounds exciting." Noah says sarcastically. "And then, on Sunday you basically spent the whole day in your room "studying". Sofia and Marco are oblivious but we know somethings up!"

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