The attack of mother nature

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It was a sunny day on lothal and Ezra decided to go for a small walk. Little did he realizes that small walk was the biggest walk of his life.
"Kanan I'm going for a walk" "okay but be careful". Ezra opened the ramp and took off saying that he love nature, but as soon as he did, he tripped on a rock and rolled down a hill than landed in a small river that carryed him away. After a few trys Ezra finally got out of the river and stared walking back in the direction the ghost was.

Hours later
"Hey kid enjoyed what happened to you?" Kanan asked when Ezra walked into the ghost. Ezra was covered in dirt, twigs, had a couple of scratches and was really wet, in short terms he was a mess.

Flashback starts
After Ezra got out the river he followed it back to the ghost. A few minutes later, he got hungry and found some lothal-blueberries, (see that,cause Ezra's like a blueberry with blue eyes and hair) but little did he know that a lothal-cat was watching him eat her berries and she wasn't happy. She tackles him and stared attacking him. "Hey get off, I found this first..ouch, hey that hurts.... OUCH". "Okay I'm leaving I'm leaving" and with that he ran but soon tripped again and land in a pile of twigs and leaves and rolled into a mud puddle. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, ALL I EVER WANT WAS A PEACEFUL WALK!!!! but do I get that NO BECAUSE MOTHER NATURE FREAKING HATES ME!!! Well what the know what mother nature I HATE YOU TOO!! Ezra yelled that the top of his lungs. Just as he said that it started to rain and the cat found him again. "Are you kidding ME" he says as he running back to the ghost and away from the lothal-cat.
Moments later it stops raining,the cat is gone, and he finally reaches the ghost where he is greeted by Kanan
Flashback ends

"I hate mother nature" is all Ezra said before he want to the fresher to clean up. "Okay than" Kanan mumble to himself and closed the ramp.

"That right hate the outside world, hahah" it said in the vents

Kanan looked around and saw nothing and took off to the cockpit to be with Hera so he wasn't alone.
Ezra on the other hand, lets just same it took days to clean himself fully with all the mud,twigs and scratches he had and wasn't planning on going on a another walk, well not alone at least.

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