Me part 6

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So I haven't done a 'Me' for a while. So here it is..

I was relaxing in the cargo bay helping Sabine with a speeder when Chopper crashes into me. "Chopper! What is your.." I was cut off by a yell "KARABLAST" from Zeb and a "Its not my fault" from Ezra. Ezra runs down the ladder and was about to run outside when he saw me. "Oh Shadow. Hows it going" He says in a cool way "I'm fine but you not" I say pointing down the hall and see Zeb running full speed. "Dang it" Ezra says while taking Kanan's speeder and rides out of the ramp and into the plains. Zeb grabs the nears speeder, which was mine and took off after him. "You think Ezra will be okay" I asked "He'll be fine.....if Zeb doesn't catch him" Sabine said walking next to me while looking at the two figures in the distance. We look at each other and burst out laughing. "We should get a bit to eat Shadow" "Yea. Beat you to the kitchen" I say climbing the ladder. "Oh your on"
As I ran though the hallways I look back to see if Sabine was closing and she was when all of an sudden I knocked into something, well more like someone. In my blur vision I could see something green, so I looked up to see Kanan. Kanan stared at me and I stared at him for a quick moment before trying to get up. "I'm so sorry Kanan I was.." I tired so say but ended falling on him again. "Okay Shadow you go left, no right, no your right.." "Do you two need help?" we turn to see Sabine with her arms on her hip smirking. She comes over and helps me and Kanan up. "Thanks Sabine now I have to go what Hera wants. Stay out of trouble you two" Kanan said while walking back to the cockpit. "Maybe should have told that to Zeb, Ezra and Chopper" I mumbled to Sabine, who started giggling "Heard that" Kanan yells from the end of the hallway. Me and Sabine made it to the kitchen when she asked me "So. You fell on Kanan" "Well yea, you saw it" "Then why were you blushing" "I wasn't blushing Sabine!" I said while getting a drink "Really? Then why are you blushing now" Sabine pointed out. I was about to say something when Ezra comes running in the kitchen like people during black friday and ran into the vents. "What are you doing Ezra" I yelled at the end of the vent "Hiding now shhh". I stared at the vent for a quick moment before saying "Don't shhh me!" "I said quiet" Ezra whispers "Thats it. ZEB!" I yelled. "No wait! I'm sorry okay just don't tell Zeb" "Why should I?" Ezra signed and said "I'll do anything, just don't tell.." at that moment Zeb comes in. "Question you know where the blasted kid at. I need to pun..I mean talking to him with my fist about the bed falling on me" I look at Sabine and smirked "Oh this is going to be fun" "No haven't seem him. Sabine" "Nope sorry Zeb" she says sitting down. Zeb growls and walks away. "Okay Ezra, you can come out" I say into the vents. Ezra comes out of the vent, looking around and said thanks.
"No thank you. Now go and finish what me and Sabine was working on" "WHAT! Why" "ZEB!" I yelled "No okay okay I'm going" Ezra says walking to the door. "What!" Zeb yells from his shared room "Nothing". I look at Sabine, who was enjoying the show. "Man I wished I had some popcorn" she said. I just nodd and enjoy the peace and quite, which didn't last long with Chopper around because all we hear is "CHOPPER" and that came from Kanan.

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