The mission 3

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Kanan slowly woke up and felt cold. Then the last few minutes hit him
"Brace for impact!". Kanan tried to get the ship under control but was hitting the snow hills and trees. He turned his head slightly over his shoulder to see Sabine hit the side of her head, hard. "Sabine!!" and Kanan blacked out
"Sabine" Kanan said getting up and making his way towards her. Kanan looked at her and gently patted the side of her face (like what his did to Ezra when he used the dark side in Gathering Forces) "Sabine, come on. It time to wake up". Sabine moaned and slowly opened her eyes to see a blurry Kanan. "Kanan?" Sabine said tiredly "Yea it's me" Kanan could see Sabine closing her eyes "Hey hey, I need you awake, okay. Just for a few seconds" "But....I'm..tired" "I know I know. Just let me wrap you head and than you can sleep. Okay" "Okay". Kanan grabbed the medical kit that Hera kept hidden in the phantom for emergency and sat in front of Sabine as he wrapped her head. Seeing Sabine falling asleep, he gently shook her and said "Why don't you tell me about you family? It'll past time faster" "Okay" Sabine said without thinking which worried Kanan because Sabine didn't like talking about it and would try to change the subject. "I'm clan Wren and I never knew my father. My mother ....was part of death watch ....when Darth Maul took over Mandalore,........well that what my mom" Sabine said while trying not to fall asleep. Kanan finished and looked at her sadly. Sabine looked at him and said "Can I sleep now" Kanan smiled sadly and said "yes".

Kanan turned back every few seconds to watch Sabine. He was able to get word put the the ghost and send their location. Kanan heard a noise and turned to see Sabine with slightly blue lips and shaking under the blanket, the one Hera also packed with the medical kit. Kanan got up and sat next to Sabine, who moved closer to him to keep warm. Kanan wrapped his arms around her and signed. "I'm sorry Sabine, I got you into the mess because I didn't spent enough time with you" "It's n-not your-r fault" Kanan looked down to see Sabine half awake and half asleep. "Rest Sabine. You'll need it" and Sabine snuggled right next to Kanan and fell in to peaceful sleep. Kanan was freezing and tired but he didn't care, all he wanted was Sabine to be safe. He slowly closed his eye but not before hearing a loud engine and bright lights.

"Ka....can....hear....let.....Sabine" Kanan heard a voice but refused to open his eyes. "Kanan, love can you hear me?". Kanan knew the voice and slowly opened his eyes and saw Hera. "You get me a heart attack love. We found you and Sabine just in time" Kanan looed down to see Sabine still in his arms. "You wouldn't let go of her. Zeb and Ezra somehow carried you two to the medical bay" "Is....she okay?" Kanan asked and Hera nodded. "She'll be just fine, thanks to you, now get some rest. The both of you need it. I'll see you in the morning" Hera said walking towards the door but turned and continued with a smile "Oh and you said we wouldn't need a medical kit in the phantom and If it means anything to you, we'll back on Lothal and not leading back that the system for a while" and she left.
Kanan stared at the door for a while and looked back a Sabine and thought "That's a mission I'll never forget". He brought Sabine closer because she shivered and whisper "I got you baby girl and I never let go" and soon fell into a peace warm sleep. But little did he know Hera was watching and listen from the cockpit, she smiled at the sight and said "Nothing can break the family apart"

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