the stare and the smile

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Ezra was deep in though when he had an idea about what Zeb said earlier that day.
"Hey Ezra, you think you could help me fix the wires? The last blast we took messed up the hyperdrive and chopper can't because he's busy with other stuff" Hera asked while walking into the living room (sorry don't know what to call it) Ezra sat there on the seats,just staring and smiling "Ezra? You ok?". Ezra smiled slowly increase while he slowly turned his head to the side and put his hands behind his back. "Umm.......never mind., go see what Kanan doing" Hera said slowly backing up into the hallway and left. 'Good one down 2 to go' he thought.
He walked into Kanan's room where Kanan planned on teaching Ezra form 3 with a lightsaber. "Hey kid just in time. You ready to learn how to use a saber in battle" Kanan asked. Ezra just stood there in the door way smiling with his hand behind his back and his head titled a bit. "Kid? You okay". Kanan was greeted with silence and after a few moments, he broke it.
"Never mind, we'll train another day. Why don't you go and.. help....umm....Sabine,yea She could probably use your help. She's in the cargo bay" Kanan said a little freak out and with that Ezra left. "Well...that was...weird" he mumble to himself. Ezra made his way to the cargo bay to find Sabine painting her speeder. "Hi there Ezra, what do you think?" She asked showing her speeder. Ezra just stood there smiling and looking at her creepily. "Kid?" but she wasn't answered so she when back to painting. She stopped every few minutes to see Ezra watching her, which creepied her out a bit.
"You know what Ezra, I think am good. Why don't you go and...... See Zeb" She said. Ezra turned and left. "Finally, the kid got problems" she mumble and continue her painting. Ezra saw Zeb walk toward him and stopped, staring at him and smiling.
"You did it didn't you?" Zeb asked and Ezra nodded. "Oh kid I told you not to do know what never mind. You never saw me" Zeb said while walking away. Ezra smiled and went into his room to take a nap. "Now I could sleep and relax" Ezra said closing his eyes .
"You fool hahaha" it said in the vents. Ezra looked around but saw nothing. "Just my head playing with me" and he closed his eyes again and fell asleep.
"Yea keep telling yourself that kid". It whisper

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