A big brother to the rescue

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Any mistakes, my bad. We had a mother moment with Hera (A mother's love), a father moment with Kanan (The nightmares 1 and 2) and a sister moment with Sabine (A friend with bombs is all you need). Time for some brother love!

Zeb had just woke up from his nap after Chopper shocked him and was chasing him around the ghost. "You rust bucket! I'm gonna dismantle you and burn your pieces!" "You're going to do what to who?" a female voice said causing Zeb stopped running and turn around to see Sabine and Kanan. "If Hera heard you say that big guy, she would've made you clean the ghost. Top to bottom" Kanan said walking closer with Sabine not that far. "The droid woke me up Kanan" Kanan smiled and shook his head with a chuckle. "Come on Chopper, I need your help with something" "Beep boop boop beep" "No. It's not a prank for Zeb and Ezra" Sabine said and they walked/rolled out. "Speaking about the kid, where is he anyway? Haven't seen him since this morning" Zeb asked "He's somewhere around here...I think but anyway, I need you to go on a supply run" "But Kanan.." Zeb started to whine but was interrupted "Sorry big guy, you can complain to captain Hera all you want. She made the list" Kanan said giving Zeb the list "I would rather clean every room in this ship 10 times than go to her and complain" Kanan just laughed and walked out

Zeb walked out of the ghost and towards to Capital City. "Karablast. Finally, that was the last walk ever" Zeb mumbled and started his search for the items on the list. Just as he was grabbing the very last things from the list, Zeb's ears picked on a similar voice. "Come on guys. Can't we talk about this" Zeb slowly followed the voice to see Ezra with 5 other people Zeb didn't know. Each man have a least 1 weapon on him, whether it was in their hands or in the hostler and they had Ezra in a corner. "We gaved you enough time you loth-rat" One guy dressed in red with a blaster in hand. "It there a problem here boys" Zeb said walking out and towards them. 

Ezra felt some weight lift off his shoulders when saw Zeb. With Zeb there, he had a good 50-50 chance of surviving. Ezra had known this group ever since he was living on the street and he owned them a few payments. Payments that never came in. A man with a tattoo step forward and said "Look, don't care or what you are but this is between us and the kid. So you should leave before something happens" "That's where you're wrong buddy. That kid right there" Zeb said pointing at Ezra "Is with me, so mess with him and you mess with me". The leader looked at Ezra and quickly pulled him close and put his blaster to his head. "One step and the kid's head comes clean off" Zeb growled but didn't move as the leader started walking around him since they were in a dead end alley. "Get him!" The leader yelled and everyone ran at Zeb. Zeb, who didn't have his bow-rifle at the time,  just punched, thrown and kicked everyone out cold. Zeb turned to see the man holding his stomach after Ezra elbowed and picked him up. "Listen here and listen good, mess with the kid one more time and you're dead. Got it" The man nodded and Zeb let him go just as his small team was getting up and ran off. 

They were walking back to the ghost when Ezra said "Thanks for the save back there. I would've been dead if you haven't shown up" "Hey, that's what families are for right. We help each other. Hey Ezra" "Yea big guy" "Who were those people?" "Just people I used to work for when I lived on the street. I may had have a small payment to pay" "How small?" Zeb asked in curiosity "Maybe about 15,000 thousand credits" Ezra said mumbling the last part. "What was that? I didn't catch it" "15,000 thousand" He mumbled again "What?" "15,000 thousand credits okay!" Ezra said. Zeb thought it over for a moment "Well now you don't to pay it" and Ezra just smiled and laughed "True. Again thanks for the save" "No problem kid. No problem"

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