Happy Father's Day

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I was walking into the ghost early in the morning and walked towards Zeb's and Ezra's room. I walked in and up to Ezra. "Yo Ezra" I whispered "Eeeezzzrrraaa" "Whhaaatttt" "Why are you whining?" "It's.....4 in the morning Shadow!" he yelled "Shhhh. Zeb is asleep. It's father's day". Ezra eyes got wide and he jumped out of bed. We walked out of the room and into the cargo bay. "It's father's day! How could I forget! What should I do!" He yelled "Shh!! Okay one, be quite! And two Kanan" I whispered harshly "Kanan? What about....OHHH!" "Ezra shut up!" "hehe sorry" he says "Come on" I say while leading him to the phantom.
We got into the phantom and I started it. "Uh Shadow, can you even fly?" "Of course I can......I think" I said mumbling the last part "What?" "oh nothing. Lets go and get some supplies if you know what I mean" "How we don't have enough money" Ezra said while walking up to the seat. "We can borrow from the troopers. We always do". I can feel Ezra smiling as he walks back to his seat in the back.

It was 7 in the morning when everyone woke up. "Mmm morning Hera" Kanan was walking in stretching his arms. "Morning love" Hera said getting him his drink. Sabine, Zeb and Chopper walked/rolled in a few minutes after. "Morning guys" Sabine said while getting her drink. "Morning" Zeb said after he sat down. "Zeb, is Ezra sleeping?" Kanan asked "No why?" "Ezra's gone!?" they turned to Sabine and Hera. "Beep boop beep" (The phantom is gone too) "What!" Hera yelled "If he damages my..." Hera was interrupted by the sound of a ship. They turned around to see a messy Ezra and Shadow. "Where have to two been and why are you dirty?" Sabine asked "Well Sabine" I say "To answer that question, you all must go outside" me and Ezra smiled and walked out towards the ramp with the crew behind us. "Ezra, would you do the honor of showing them why we were out" "Gladly" Ezra said and took out a remote. Seconds later there was fire works in the sky that spelled out 'HAPPY FATHER'S DAY' and many other cool images like a loth-cat and the rebel symbol. After all of that we hall stare at Kanan. Ezra walked up to him. "Look Kanan I know I shouldn't have done this but Shadow thought it wa..." Kanan grabbed Ezra and pulled in into a bear hug. "Thank you" Kanan said whispering in Ezra's ear. Ezra smiled and hugged back. They stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling apart. "Oh and Kanan, this is Ezra's idea" I said pulling out a cake "It's your favorite" "How? How did you two do all of this?" Kanan asked. Ezra and I looked at each other.

I flew the phantom down and hid it behind a building. "Okay Ezra, I took these from Sabine's room. Place them in the spots I tood you and everything will work out" I said while him paint bombs "Sabine's gonna be mad". I just shrugged my shoulders and took off. I placed my bombs in the right places and watched out for troopers on the roof tops. Ezra did his part but was caught. "Great now I have to save him......again". I jumped down from the building and ran towards them. "Dev! Dev! there you are, father was worried. Oh thank you officer for find him" I say hugged 'Dev' "Well next time.....wait a min. What you kids doing here so early in the morning?"
"Why did you shoot him!" I yelled at Ezra as we ran from stormtroopers. "He was asking too many questions!" "Uggh! EZRA!" I yelled. Story short we hid in a dumpster. We bought a cake and made it back to the phantom with time to spare.
The End

"We fell" Ezra lied "Yea, those loth-cats and loth-rats" I say. They looked at us suspiciously but we played it off with some cake. For the rest of the day we all played, talked and just relaxed. I started to walk away but not before hearing "Thank you Ezra, this is the best father's day ever" I smiled and disappeared. "So kid you took the phantom to get the supplies?" Zeb asked while stuffing his cake in cake. "Yea but that was Shadow's idea" "Wait, who was flying?" Hera asked "She was. Why?" "There's a scratch on the wing" Hera said glaring "The building!" Ezra thought. "I have to go! Bye!" Ezra said and took off running. "Ezra Bridger!"

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!

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