The pranks are on 2

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Any mistakes, my bad..😊😀... I'm not prefect. Enjoy

Ezra sat on his bed in his shared room. "Now, what's a good prank for Kanan?" Ezra mumbled to himself. Kanan had pulled a prank a few days ago with a pie and now Ezra was planning his revenge. "I could.. No he'll see that coming.. I could, No. He would expect that from me. Come on Bridger think, you're the king of pranks. You got this". Ezra paced around for a few minutes until a idea hit him, literally. He threw a trooper helmet he had on the table, it bounced off the wall and hit him in the face, knocking him down. "Okay one ouch and two I'll need some paint" Ezra said getting up and making his way to the door. "Wait am I talking to myself?" Ezra asked himself "Not going to answer........I just answered myself. I'm crazy now" Ezra shook his head and made his way to Sabine's room. "Ezra?" Ezra turned to see Hera "What are you doing?" "Looking for Sabine" "She's not here. She's doing a supply run with Kanan and Zeb. Why?" "I......just wanted to ask a question" Ezra said with his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels of his shoes. Hera raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Really?" Ezra looked around, avoiding her glare and nodded "Yea, well I have to go. Bye" Ezra said quickly ran down the hall. Hera shook her head and walked towards the cockpit.
Ezra waited for a few minutes until he heard Hera go into the cockpit and made a dash to Sabine's room, hacked it and went inside. "Red red red. I need red paint" Ezra mumbled. He looked around until he found the spray paint.
"Green...Blue...Purple...Yes red!" "I knew it" Ezra jumped and turned to see Hera. "Hera I can explain.." "You're going to do a prank, aren't you?" Ezra looked down and nodded. "I want in" Ezra looked up in shock. "What?!" "You heard me, I want in. I'll been working hard for a while and for once, I would like to have some fun" Hera said with a smile "What about Chopper?". Just as those words came out, Chopper came around the corner and up to Hera. "He could help too, isn't that right chop" Hera said looking at him "Beep boop" (With what?) "A prank on Kanan and maybe the others if this works correctly" Ezra said "boop beep" (Okay. I'll help) "Okay.......but I can't get trouble since you're helping me and I'll need more time" Ezra pointed out "Okay fine I won't punish you and for time..." Hera pulled out her com and spoke into it "This is specter 2 to specter 1" "This is specter 1. Is everything okay?" "Yes Kanan everything fine. I was just wondering if I added meilooruns to the list?" There was silence for a few seconds. "No, nothing here about it" "Well consider it added". After those word, all Ezra, Hera and Chopper could hear is groans and complaints in the back ground. "Will do. Specter 1 out". Hera put her com away and looked at Ezra "So, what's your plan" Ezra just smiled.

It took the crew (not Hera, Chopper and Ezra) almost all day to look for some meilooruns. "What is up with this Twi'lek and meilooruns?" Zeb complained "I don't know" Sabine said "I asked her one time and she just said that it was her favorite snack to eat" Kanan replied. When they got to the ghost, they walked into to see the cargo bay with burn marks and crates knocked over, cut in half. "What?" Sabine said, her hands inching towards her blasters, "The heck happened here" "I don't know but I don't like it" Kanan said "Karablast!" they turned to see Zeb holding a part of Chopper's leg and Chopper near fallen crates, in a couple of pieces. "Hera! Ezra!" Kanan called out. He reached out with the force. "I can't feel anything" "What do you mean Kanan?" Sabine asked worried. "I..." "Kanan" a weak voice said "Hera?" Kanan questioned and followed the voice to the living room "Kan.." "Hera!" Kanan said running to her. Hera was on the floor, bleeding through her stomach and with cuts and bruises. Sabine and Zeb gasped as Kanan held her "Hera. Hera what happened?" "He.......he turned Kanan. I tried to.....stop him but....." "Shh Hera, save your strength" Kanan said "I'm...." and Hera went limped. The crew stood there in shock. "No" Kanan whispered with tears threatening to fall "Hera"
"Hahahaha!" They turned to see Ezra with a lightsaber and his eyes closed. "Ezra..." Sabine said in shock and he opened his eye and the they gasped with wide eyes. Ezra's eyes weren't blue, they were a sick, light yellow.

With the flick of the wrist, Zeb and Sabine went falling into the kitchen and the doors automatically locked, leaving Kanan and a dead Twi'lek. "Just you and me, master" Ezra said and activated his lightsaber, which was bloody red. Kanan stood and activated his lightsaber. "Ezra....this isn't you!" "Oh really. I never felt so good in my life! So why stop" and Ezra lunged at Kanan, who blocked the attack. Ezra kept attacking while Kanan kept on the defense side. "Kid please. I know you're in there" "Don't call me that! I hate it when you call me that!" Ezra yelled and force pushed Kanan. Kanan hit the wall and fell to his knees. Ezra walked over towards him, force calling the lightsaber to him and held it up to Kanan's neck in a X form. "Ready to join the force. Like all the jedi before you" Ezra asked with a evil smile. Kanan looked up and force pushed Ezra across the room, next to Hera (who by the way is still dead). Kanan got up and picked up his saber. "Ezra..." Kanan started but Ezra called his lightsaber over, activated it and lunged again with a yell. Kanan, who once again blocked it and attack back. Ezra stumbled back in shock. "I show you what you need to know but not what I know" Kanan said. Zeb and Sabine, who finally managed to get the door open, came flying out, weapons aimed and ready to fire. Ezra walked over to Hera and pointed his saber at her. "Kid, don't do it" Zeb said "Do you know what this is?" Ezra asked. No one said a word "You........just got PRANKED!!!!" Hera opened her eye and sat up laughing.
"Oh gosh. You should've... (laughing) ...seen your face!" Hera said standing up with Ezra's help "It was priceless. Hahahaha!" Everyone stood there. "What?" Kanan finally said "You, my master, just got prank by the king of pranks. The same for you Sabine and Zeb" "Kid....." Kanan started in a worried, shocked and a bit a anger voice "Consider this revenge for the pie in the face. Oh and the red, Sabine's paint and the yellow eye are just yellow contacts" Ezra said pointing to the stuff "But Chopper and the walls?" Zeb asked "Chopper was just took apart and the burn marks on the wall was stickers" Hera answered. "You use my paint" Sabine said in a threatening tone "Oh now you're really dead "Double that" Zeb added "Hera said you wouldn't punish me" Ezra said quickly as Sabine and Zeb walked closer. "Ezra, I said I wouldn't punish you. I never said they wouldn't" Hera said walking over to Kanan, who still just stood there. Ezra ran out, followed by Zeb and Sabine.

"Love you okay?" "I thought I loss you and Ezra" Kanan whispered "No my love, it was just a prank. I'm sorry. But don't blame him, half of it was my idea too. I told him that we should have me dying on the floor and the yellow contact. At first he didn't like it, but I convinced him it would make it better. I'm sorry" Kanan looked at Hera for a moment and signed. "So what does this makes you? The queen of pranks?" Kanan said with a smirk. "Nope. I'm just a rebel fighter who fights the empire, flys a ship and keep this family from fall apart" "I thought so" Kanan said "Now if you don't mind, I have a droid to put together and crew members to make sure they don't kill Ezra. You coming?" Hera called over her shoulder as she made her way towards the door. "Yea, in a minute" and Hera left Kanan alone.
Kanan walked over to Ezra's fallen lightsaber, picked it up and activated it to the red light. Kanan stared at it for a few seconds but deactivating it and taking out the crystal. Kanan walked over to the sink and ran it under the water, smiling when the red came out. "Good. There's still hope for him" Kanan mumbled to himself and went to find Hera.

Boom! Kanan just got pranked. Not only once but twice! With Ezra falling to the dark side and Hera dying. Zeb and Sabine were half pranked, believe Ezra went to the dark side and him killing Hera but it wasn't for them.😄😄

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