The mission

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"Sabine Kanan, meeting in the cockpit. We have a mission" Hera yelled over the com. Kanan walked out of his room, Sabine walked out of the kitchen and both made their way to the cockpit to find Zeb and Ezra already there with Hera and Chopper. "All right now that we're all here, fulcrum send me a mission and asked for Kanan and Sabine to go" Hera said. "Wait, if its for Kanan and Sabine than why are we here?" Zeb asked "Because you need to be here no matter what or who the mission is for. Just in case something goes south" Kanan asked. Zeb nodded and Hera continued "The mission is going to be in the hoth system, so get ready". Everyone left, leaving Hera and Kanan alone. "Hera do you know why fulcrum picked only me and Sabine. Shouldn't this be a group mission?" "Yes it should but I asked for it" Hera said simply "What?" "Love, you and Sabine need to time alone together. You two are always in your rooms nether mediating or making bombs and besides, you two could bond. Now go get ready, we're almost here" Hera commended. Kanan just signed and left to his room to get ready.
Once they were over the freezing planet, they said the good lucks and got in the phantom and took off. Once they entered the atmosphere, the cold hit them hard. "Dang" Sabine said hugging herself "It..its so co..cold" "Yea I know" Kanan said trying to keep warm himself so he turned on the heats and that quickly warmed up the ship. "Better" he asked "Way better. We most there" Sabine asked "Almost. When we get there, we will need to be sneaky and quiet to get those plans" "Sooo no bombs" Sabine said sounding disappointed "No bombs.....well not yet" and Kanan could feel Sabine smiling under her helmet as the ship flew closer and closer to the building. Kanan landed the ship vertically above the platform and both jumped out, taking out the snow troopers guarding the door. Sabine hacked the system and got the door open. When they got inside, they were met with troopers and guns. Kanan could feel Sabine getting excited as she said "This is going to be fun"

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