The nightmares

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"Ezra time for bed" Kanan said while walking into the living room. "Nope. I'm good" Ezra replied. "Kid you need you sleep and the more you rest, the faster the scar will heal". At that moment Ezra touched his face and remember the fight they had with the Inquisitor on the star destroyer. "Kanan really I'm fine" "Ezra is something bothering you?" Kanan asked. "No. I'm just not tried" "Well kid too bad, we have an mission tomorrow and we need you awake.Sooo bed. Now" Kanan said pointing to Ezra's shared bedroom. "Fine" and with Ezra want to bed.

Ezra's dream
"You can't run boy" the Inquisitor said chasing Ezra as he ran. Ezra was running as fast as he could, hoping that this was a dream and not a vision. He turned a corner too find himself in the ghost and his friends dead. "No no no noooooo"Ezra yelled. "Oh yes" Ezra turned to see the Inquisitor with lightsaber aimed at Kanan's chest. "No Kanan please" Ezra pegged. "Hey kid wake up, your okay" said a mysteries voice through Kanan mouth."Kanan?" Ezra though. "Now you and you master will die" the Inquisitor said. "Noooooo"
Dreams ended

"Nooooooo" Ezra wake up screaming to see Kanan with a worried look and the others at the door way also looking worried for their youngest member.
"Hey's okay...your okay" Kanan said trying to calm down Ezra. "K..Kanan?" "It's okay. Zeb thanks for getting me" Kanan said turning around. "That okay Kanan." Zeb turned to look at Ezra and continued "Sorry kid. I know I promised that I wouldn't tell, but you looked like you were in pain"
Kanan carried Ezra to his room so his could keep an eye on him. "Sleep well my little jedi" Hera said and went to her room. Sabine came to him and kissed his forehead and said "night...little bother and sweet dreams" and went to her room too.Kanan went to his room with Ezra and set him on the bed. "Kanan....I don't want to sleep. I'll get the same dream again" Kanan sat with Ezra, holding him close with his cheek on Ezra's head and said "Why didn't you tell me about your dreams" "I didn't think it was important. We were business with missions and stuff that I.." Kanan cut him off "Kid your well being is more important. Now come on we're going to rest for a bit" He said as he pulled Ezra down with him on the bed. "No Kanan please....I don't want too" Ezra struggled for a bit but with Kanan's arms around him and him being tried and all, he gaved up and enjoy the warmth and safety he nevered had in 8 years in the streets.
"Sleep now Ezra.I'll be right here if your dreams comes back" "Okay" Ezra replied, being half asleep. Moments later Kanan is smiling at a peacefully face child. A child that he thought as his son. "I'll be right now to hold you and never let go" Kanan said and fell into a peaceful sleep too.
That first night in weeks Ezra didn't dream about the Inquisitor, no he dreamed about his family and how happy he was.

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