Bananas 2

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"I love bananas" Ezra whispered as he crawled through the vents of an imperial vent. It was the dead of night and he knew it was a perfect because it was dark and no one could see him. "Bananas, bananas, bananas" he said as crawled out of the vent and walked into the hallway. Two troopers walked around the corner. "You think we'll get a raise or something David" "Don't know Jade but I hope so. I mean, we work for hours and I have a family to support" David said to his friend and continued "But we won't get anything if we can't work on our aim- HEY! you over there! this is a restricted area, you shouldn't be here". Ezra slowly turned towards the troopers with a creepy smile. "Hey, David. I have a bad feeling about this kid" Jade said "Me too". Ezra took a step forward and took out a banana. "I love bananas...and so will you" "Hmmm David, can we forget we saw the kid". David nodded and the both of them made a run for it but didn't get far because of a invisible force made them trip and started dragging them back. "Oh gosh! What do we do Jade!" "Shoot the kid!" "What!" David yelled as he clawed the floor "But he's just a kid!" "It's him or us. You pick!". David looked at Jade and nodded. They set their blasters to stun and turn on our backs to shoot but Ezra was gone. "Where is he?" Jade asked as they quickly got up. "Don't kno-" David never finished his sentence when a voice came out of nowhere "BANANAS!!!!".
Both of troopers screamed and ran down the hall. They ran until they found an empty room. " just..scream like..a little girl?" Jade asked as she was trying to catch her breath. "No.....maybe....can we talk about this later" David said while also trying to catch his breath. "I think we lost him" "I don't know Jade. He wasn't following us". Little did they know, Ezra was already in the room with a creepy smile while hold his bag full of stuff. "I love bananas and you will too" He whispered to himself. 

The next morning on the ghost
"Morning guys" Sabine said as she walking into the living room. "What are you looking at?" she asked as she walked closer. There on the holo-net was the imperial building with two troopers hugging each other, covered in yellow paint with bananas taped on their outfit and banana stickers everywhere, and saying "Bananas, bananas, I hate bananas" or "No, no, no more bananas". "Wonder what happened to them?" Kanan questioned "Is that bananas?" Sabine said leaning closer "The only person who like bananas is...." She toned out as she suddenly felt someone watching her and turned around slowly to see Ezra standing there in the doorway. "Ezra?" Hera said with a concerned tone "Did you do this?" 

Flashback of the night before
Ezra slowly walked towards the two and jumped them from the behind. "WHAT THE!!!" Jade yelled has David screamed again like a little girl. Ezra dumped yellow paint on them and punched them in the face (well helmet). Ezra laughed an evil laugh and pours the stickers all over them. He then pulls out tape and grabs the bananas out of his bag. "This is going to be good" Ezra said as he walked closer with a evil smile on his face. "No! No, no more bananas please!" Jade said moving closer to David. "I hate bananas" David also said moving closer to Jade. "You're going to love bananas. JUST LIKE I DO!" Ezra yelled and attacked. All you hear is the cries for help in the imperial building.

Back to the ghost
"I LOVE bananas" is all Ezra said before walking away. "Should we be like worried or something?" Zeb asked "I know I am" Sabine said "Beep boop boop" (I been scared) "Me too" Hera looked at Kanan. "Kanan, you are afraid of your own padawan?" "I seen the thing he can do Hera. It's terrifying". They all stood there for a minute before turning to the holo-net. In the dark corner of the ship, in a room that a padawan and lasat shared, sat a blue hair and blue eyed boy with a smile on his face.
"I. Love. Bananas. And you will too"

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