A friend with bombs is all you need

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So I had some time to update. I did this in what 3-6 minutes and hopefully it alright.

Ezra was sitting on the roof of the ghost. Hera and the others had regrouped a short while ago. He was looking out into the plains when he heard a voice.
"Mind if I join you?" he turned to see Sabine standing there. Ezra just shrugged with pain in his eyes and Sabine sat down. "You know, don't you" "Ezra...... I'm so sorry for what happened to you parents" "It's not your fault Sabine. Its the empire's". They sat there for a while before Ezra asked Sabine if his were parents were proud of him. "Of course your parents are proud of you Ezra. They realize that their son was alive and fighting. Fighting for the greater good. Helping other who couldn't help themselves. They nevered gaved up hope and helped others because of you" Ezra looked at Sabine, smiled and said "Thank you Sabine. For everything" "Your welcome kiddo and besides your family too, we help each other" and Ezra nodded with hope back in his eyes. "And speaking of helping, would you like to help me mess with the troopers" Sabine asked "Heck yea!" Ezra said while getting up. Sabine and Ezra ran the their rooms to grab a couple of things and took the speeders towards the city.
"Told you she'll help" Hera said sitting in the cockpit with Kanan looking at her. "Okay okay, I'll admit it" he said turning to see Ezra and Sabine in the distance "I thought the kid would need some alone time to think but I forgot that he has been alone for so long" "He's not alone anymore love" Hera said with a smile and continued "Oh be ready" "Ready for what?" Kanan asked and just has he finished his sentence, they could see a huge explosion of color and smoke in the air. "That" Hera said simple "How many bombs did she use!?" Kanan said in shock how much smoke and colors were in the air. "Enough love and wait for it". Seconds later they get a call from over the com "This is Spector 5 to ghost, me and Spector 6 need a pickup" "On my way. Ghost out" Hera replied and lookes at Kanan, who just look dumbfounded. "Told you. Now go and get ready" She ordered. Kanan just smirked and said "Yes captain" while running out towards the guns with Zeb saying whats going on and chopper complaining.
Hera just smiled and said "He'll be just fine" to herself as they closed in.

P.S Chopper doesn't know I'm here.... Wait (he comes in). Chopper let me explain (starts backing up). I needed to.. Put that away (he pulled out his teaser thing), stay away from ME!
Beep boop beep (I said I'm in charge!)

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