Me part 4

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"Ezra....did we lose....them" I say while trying yo catch my breath. "Yea we lose them" "Oh good". I walk up to him and punch him in the arm. "Hey, what was that for" "One for not getting the right comlink and this one is for the fun of it" "Ouch!". Ezra starts to rub the spots that I punch him in and say "Should we get going? It's getting pretty late" "I don't think so, it's almost night fall and Hera wouldn't wants us walking this late. Any place we could hang out until morning?" I say looking around for troopers. "Well.... My parents house isn't far from here, we can lay low there" "This is specter 7 to ghost" I said into the comlink that I had. "This is ghost, umm who is this?" Kanan says. "It's the girl!!" Ezra yells. "Oh okay, where are you two its.." Hera cuts him off "It's late and I don't want you to walking at night"
Ezra took the comlink and said "We know, thats why we're going to my parents house for the night" "okay kid" Kanan said "oh and don't do anything that...." "BYE Kanan" Ezra said quickly and shut off the comlink. "Ezra what was that about?" " a minute you never told me your name" "I didn't?" "NO!" Ezra yells. "Shhh keep it down. You can call me Shadow....for now" "Okay one I know that's not your real name and two, Shadow really?" He says while jumping down the roof. "Yes" I say with a smirk.
We finally made it to Ezra's house and went inside. "So what now" I asked "Well there's not much to do here....oh wait here" and Ezra ran out of the room. I looked around and thought "man I really need to fix this place up in my other stories" "FOUND IT" Ezra yells from across the house. "SHHHH, are you trying to get us caught" I say harshly. "Hehe sorry" "What is that?" I asked "Oh it's a data pad. We can watch movies that I have" "Nice". Ezra puts in the movie (you guys think of a movie, any movie you want) and it starts.

Hours later
"That was a great (Yawns) movie Ezra" I say putting my head on his shoulder "I know (yawns too) right" Ezra says putting his cheek on my head and soon we both fell asleep.
"Beep beep boop" (hey get up.. love birds) "Ezra.....shut up" I say tiredly. "It'" he say back in his sleepy state. As I open my eyes, I say "Then who is....AHHH CHOPPER!". Me and Ezra looked at each other realizing that we were closed and jumped up, with red cheeks. "Beep boop beep" (What are you doing..cuddling?) "We weren't cuddling Chopper" Ezra said harshly. "Boop beep boop" (Really? Because this looks like your cuddling) Chopper say showing a picture. "Chopper, if you don't delete that here and now then so help me I will scrap you into a million pieces" I threaten. "Boop"(nope) and with that Chopper rolled off back to the ghost. "CHOPPER" we said as we ran after Chopper.

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