The loth-cat

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Sabine sat on the floor in her room with the loth-cat that came to the ramp after Ezra went for a walk a couple of weeks ago. "What to name you?" Sabine said as the cat played with one of her empty paint cans. Sabine has been trying to come up with a name for the cat but couldn't come up with anything. She jumped a bit after hearing a knock on her door.
"Come in" Sabine said and the door opened to see Hera. "Oh hey Hera, need anything" "Just wanted see the little fur ball" Hera said sitting across from Sabine, petting the cat. "So, came up with a name yet?" "No. Can't think of anything yet but I will soon" "Good. Can't have a nameless pet around" "Oh I know" Sabine said with a chuckle. "You know what Hera, you're right? I should ask the others about the name" Hera smiled and nodded "That's great. Well I have to go. Good luck" Hera said standing and making her way towards the door but stop at mid-step "Oh yea before I forget Sabine, go to Ezra last. Ever since you brought the loth-cat aboard, he's been..-" "Weird, mad, guarded" Sabine finished "Yea" "Why does he hate this cute little thing" Sabine said picking up the cat "Don't know but that was a heads up" and with that Hera left. Sabine sighed and said "Come on my little ik'aad. Lets go see the others". Sabine walked around until she bumped into Kanan. "Hey Kanan. You got a minute?" "Sure Sabine. What's on your mind" Kanan said petting the loth-cat as it purrs. "I need a name for this little girl". Kanan put his hand on his chin and closed his eyes, thinking. "How about.....Alexandria, Alex for short" "That could work. I'm going to see the others about the names too. Thanks Kanan" "Anytime Sabine". Sabine walked into the living room/kitchen to see Zeb and Chopper. "Hey guys, I have a question. What should I name this one?" Sabine said looking at the cat in her arms. "Kanan said Alexandria, Alex for short" Zeb stared at the cat because saying " looks like a....uhh....Annie?" Sabine raised an eyebrow "And Chopper" "Beep boop boop beep" "No! I'm not naming her that!" "What'd he say?" Zeb asked "You don't want to know" Just as Sabine finished that sentence, Ezra walked in. "Hey Ezra, can you-" "No. I don't care about that loth-cat. It's evil" Ezra said cutting her off and pointing at the cat. He gaved a drink and walked out.
"Arrgh! I need a name!"

ik'aad- baby

What do you guys think? I need some help finding/coming up with a name for the loth-cat and I'm clueless right now.
What name do you guys think should be for the cat? Any name in the world.

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