The mission 2

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Kanan and Sabine fired at the snow/storm troopers (whichever) faster than you could say jedi. "We need to be hurry, more could be on their way" Kanan said running through the halls "This way" Sabine said pointing. They ran until Kanan got a feeling in the back of his head and grabbed Sabine, pulling her back. "What are yo.." "Shh, look". Sabine looked around the corner to see more troopers. "Those are alot of troopers" Sabine whispered "We need a plan route and quick" Kanan said looking around. Sabine looked and found at vent. "Spector 1, look a vent. We can crawl inside. It's big enough for the both of us" "Ok, you first" Kanan said opening up the vent and letting Sabine go in. Kanan shut the vent close in time to hear the troopers and followed Sabine.

The two crawled their way left and right, sliding down and climbing up the vents. "Are...we there..yet?" Kanan asked while trying to make a full turn. Sabine looked back and said "A matter of fact, yes. We'll here" Sabine pushed the vent open and jumped down, blasters trained on the two troopers and shot. She turned after she hear a body hitting the floor to see Kanan standing and a trooper on the floor, knocked out cold. She walked over to the computer and started downloading the plans while Kanan stood watch. As they did there thing, the alarm goes off "Quickly Spector 5! I sense more on the way" Kanan yelled "Almost done" Sabine replied. The sound of troopers came closer "They're coming" "Almost, 95 percent" Kanan took a couple steps back and said "Spector 5" "Give me a minute" "Sabine" Kanan whispered harshly "Look you can have all or you can have it in parts" Sabine said turning and continued "98 percent" Kanan heard yelling and bangs for the door that was locked and jumped a little bit when Sabine said "100. Alright, lets go" Kanan helped Sabine into the vent and locked it behind him as the door opened and troopers flooded in. They crawled and crawled until they got to the exit. Sabine looked around as she opened the vent and helped Kanan out. "I don't understand how Ezra does it with vents" Kanan said dusting himself off "You can asked him when we get back, come on". They ran towards the phantom as troopers came out and opened fire. "Spector 5, get the ship started. I'll hold them off" Sabine turned to looked at Kanan as he took out his lightsaber. "I should help him" "No he gave you an order" Sabine thought "But there's to many" Sabine made her choice and helped Kanan out. "Spector 5! What are you doing!" "Helping!" Sabine yelled back as she throw her bomb. The bomb went off and pushed everyone back.
Kanan grabbed his head and looked around to see troopers on the floor, paint everywhere and Sabine's helmet. Kanan got up and ran towards the helmet. "Spector 5!" Kanan yelled but turned when he hear a cough and saw Sabine. "You alright? Are you hurt?" he asked "Yea I'm fine, lets get out of here" and the two made it to the phantom. Kanan started the phantom and took off but before Sabine could blow up the place, shots came out of nowhere and shot the phantom, hitting the engine. "Engine's down" Kanan said not trying to crash. "Strap yourself down!" Sabine tried herself down and push the trigger, causing yhe place to explode in color. "Brace for impact!" Kanan yelled and before Sabine could say a word, she blacked out.

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