Chapter 43 (Last Chapter)

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London, Dec 24

I was nervous. No... I even really nervous for exactly. Yeah, how didn't? Today would be the first time i would have dinner with André's family. Today was Christmas Eve and we would to celebrate it together.

I looked at myself in the mirror of the dressing table in my bedroom. Nothing was wrong with me. I already dressed up and put my makeup on my face perfectly. But something felt missing... Oww i hadn't wear lipstick on my lips. I took my lipstick box and pondered for a while. Finally i chose my favorite Russian Red from MAC. I smiled. Now everthing was complete. This lipstick was really fit with the black dress which i wore tonight. And for the last touch, i didn't forget to sprayed my Victoria Secret Parfume to my neck.

I took a deep breath for several times to calm myself before i left my room. I still had a little doubt but i tried to ignore it. Everything would be okay as long as André was with me, i believed it. There was no time to worry, all i had to do now was just to be me, myself.

I saw André was sitting in my living room while watching Christmas TV show when i got out from my room. Hearing my step, he turned his eyes to me. He paused for a while, just stared at me without blinked. "Wow.. You're really beautiful tonight, babe," he said as he kept his eyes on me.

"Realy?" I frowned, unsure of what he said.

"Of course, why do i have to lie?" He said while rising from the couch. He walked approaching me who was still standing in front of my bed room. "You make me stun,  Mil, like you always do," he said while gave me a little kiss on my forehead.

I chuckled hearing his words. "Hah.. Liar," i replied him playfully while pushing his chest and he responded my action with laugh.

"So.. Do you ready to go, miss??" Asked André as he moved his body to make the way for me to walk.

I took a long breath and held it for a second, "yeah, i'm ready," i said, letting my breath away.

André smiled, as if relieved to hear my answer, and i smiled back at him. But did he know what i felt right now?  I was very nervous and scared. My heart was beating so fast and my stomach hurt. How didn't? I didn't know what Andre's family would think about me after what happened. But i couldn't do anything. I could only surrender and accept everything.

André's car moved slowly, started leaving my apartment towards his penthouse in Houslow area. I was more silent along the way. I was more focus myself on the Christmas lights that lined very beautiful out there though my mind drifted. This was my first Christmas in London and with André.

Last year i spent my Christmas in New York with Marco and his friends. Marco, yeah Marco. For a moment he came to my mind. How was he? What was he doing right now? With whom he celebrate his Christmas?

However i still felt guilty to Marco. The last time i saw him was in Dortmund when we agreed to meet after i hospitalized. We sat, talked while having Starbucks then we visited the Christmas Markt together and he acted like normal, like nothing happened, like there never be something between us, like a friend. After that, he drove me to the train station and that time, he said good bye.

I texted him couple days later and asked about his condition but he didn't reply my WhatsApp. He just read it without replied it. I swore that it wasn't the thing that i wanted. I wanted to know about him, his condition. Although he acted like that but i knew for sure that he was still hurt.

"Mil... Mila, are you okay?" André's voice broke my reverie. I directly turned my head to him.

"Ye-yes.. What's wrong?" I asked him back as i pretended like i wasn't daydreaming.

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