Chapter 5

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"Oh my god... It's that you, André?" I couldn't believe it when i found the guy who called me. I know him. He's André. André Schürrle. The other young talented football player in German National Team and also one of Marco's best friend.

"Yeahh.. Woww.. It's really coincidence. How are you? How can you be here?" Asked André respectively. He looked surprised and shocked to see me here. He even saw me from my head to toe.

"I'm fine.. I just stopped here accidentally to buy something after my hectic day," i said.

Damn.. Why i seemed can't escape from him? I was hundreds miles away from him and i wanted to forget him for a moment but i instead met his best friend, and it made me remember about him.

"You have a job here?" Asked André.

"Yeah.. For a week," i said, shrugging once. "And you? How are you? What are you doing here in London? Holiday?" I asked him back. As i know, he lives in Düsseldorf and plays for Leverkusen. Maybe the training haven't started for them.

"No.. I live here," he said, smirking.

"What? You live here?" I asked, surprised by his words.

"I moved here since last month.. Oh wait it's my turn," said André as he walked forwards to the front of cashier.

I saw him from behind when he was talking with the cashier. His attitude, his motion, his behavior. I didn't know but he seemed confused with his choice. He frowned while looking at the menu's board, pointing it with his finger as he talked to the cashier and they laughed together. I chuckled at myself. It was been a long time since the last time i met him. I thought, it was after Euro 2012. We went hang out together in Frankfurt with the others. And as i recalled, he was a very humorist person. He likes jokes. And it seemed that he knew how to make people laugh, like the cashier girl right now.

I averted my eyes, continued to looking for the empty table. Luckily that the guy who sat next to the window with his kids had just finished their dinner and left, so i immediately took over the table before it took by anybody else and besides, i couldn't wait anymore to eat my french fries.

I waved when i saw André walked away from the cashier with a tray in her hand while looking around. As soon as he saw me, he smiled broadly and came approaching me.

"I think you're with Marco here," he said as he put the tray contains with BigMac, Large French Fries, Garden Side Salad, and Coke on the table and sat in front of me.

"Ahh.. No. He's busy with bvb and others," i answered nonchalantly while enjoying my french fries.


"Yeah.. So, you said that you moved here? How could?" I asked him directly that he didn't ask in detail about what i said before.

"Aahh.. I was transferred from leverkusen to chelsea. Start from now, i'll play for Chelsea," said André with a grin.

"Chelsea? Omg!! That's great, André," i responded excited. Chelsea is one of the great team in the world. They even beat Bayern München last year in the Champions League. Well.. I didn't know a lot about football at first but, because my boyfriend is footballer, so inevitably i learned to know and understand.

"Yeah.. New life, new team, new city, new friends, but i'm really excited," he said without removed the smile from his face. He was so excited and happy. Although he didn't tell it, i could see clearly in his eyes. His eyes sparkled. Seemed like he couldn't wait to play with chelsea.

"I know. Your eyes told me,"

"Really?? Oh my god, you make me shy," he responded my words with a shyly smile as he looked down and shook his head. "How's Marco by the way?" He asked then as he started to eat his salad while still eating his french fries alternately.

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