The Story of Us (Special Chapter)

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Marco's POV

"Mila, where are you?" I sighed as i pondered my phone screen. It was more than a week now but i still couldn't contact her. Her phone was always switched off. She also never replied my messages. She seemed lost going down to the earth.

Actually i wasn't expecting anything from her. I was hopeless. I didn't expect her to call me, i didn't expect her to come back, i didn't expect her to forgive me. But i just wanted something. At least i could know her condition and where she was. I didn't know where i should looking for information about her. Even Gerda didn't wanna talk to me now. I was sure that she knew where Mila was. But she didn't want to tell me. Maybe Mila asked her to do that and i wouldn't blame her because she was her bestfriend, and who was me? I was just a bastard boyfriend.

I closed the window's curtain of my hotel room. There was nothing to see on this time out there. Kaiserlautern, just like Gladbach or another small city in Germany which turned to silent after 9pm. I walked to my bed, leaning my head on the bed head. The training of the National Team today made me so tired. Whereas it was the first training but apparantly Herr Löw didn't wanna waste the time.

I lowered my body lying on bed. I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders because it was quite cold tonight. It was weird, it was still in August. I didn't know, whether the weather was indeed cold or my body that was unhealthy so i felt cold?

I sighed again as i staring at the ceiling above me. Being alone was really sucks. It made me couldn't stop thinking about Mila but i knew it was useless. It happened because of my selfishness and now i had to take the risk. I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes. My body felt so weak and

i needed my energy and power back for the training tomorrow. I needed a sleep. Yeah.. It was better to sleep now, i had to sleep.


It was end of October, it was autumn. Weather became erratic but there were only two possibilities that will happen. Rain and wind.

I looked out through the large windows in the living room of Monchengladbach headquarters. I saw the trees moving like dancing out there and dead leaves floated on top of the empty football field. Apparantly this was windy day, I thought. It was perfect time to stay at home and hide under my blanket actually but unfortunately today i had an interview with RTL. I didn't why they choose me. It also wasn't for a sport program but for fashion program.

"Are you Marco Reus?" The woman voice heard behind me of a sudden, making me turned my head. Ohh.. It wasn't a woman. It was a girl. Pretty girl. Tall and slim body, long light brown hair, big blue eyes, she was little look alike Natalie Portman.

"Yes I am," i answered while keeping my eyes on her.

"Hallo, i'm Mila Klinsman from RTL. Nice to meet you," she said as she reached her hand to shake hand with me.

"Ahh yeah nice to meet you too," i replied, welcoming her hand carefully because her fingers were very thin and small, and I was afraid to break it. "So you're the reporter who will interview me today?" I asked then.

"Yup," she said as she turned to call the cameraman who was waiting outside the room. "What's wrong?" She asked me back when she knew that i kept looking at her.

"No.. It's just a little bit weird that i have interview for the fashion program," i said, lying. The truth was, i liked to see her figure.

"It's our program for next month to report about footballer's style. Not only you, i also have to interview Michael Ballack, Mario Gomez, and Mesut Özil," she said while taking her phone from her bag.

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