Chapter 7

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"Here it is.. One Caramel Frappuccino with extra whipped cream,"

I smiled widely when André offered me a glass of my favorite drink in Starbucks. "Thank you," i said as i took the glass from him. My hands directly felt cold when i touched the glass. I stirred whipped cream on top of my frappuccino to mix them perfectly and sipped it once. I really like this flavor. Sweet caramel and coffee, also a mixture of ice, hmm.. really refreshing.

"You're welcome.. I don't know that you're really love whipped cream," Andre said as he walked back next to me. He put his hand into his pocket while his other hand holding a glass of expresso frappuccino light blended.

"Oh.. Yeah i love it. I always buy the same menu with the same request everywhere. Why?" I said, sipping my drink again while keeping my pace to walk beside him. Oxford street was very crowded this afternoon, plus it was summer and still in a period of summer vacation. Probably there was a lot of people from abroad also came to this street, which has about 300 stores along the way.

"No.. Because usually girls hate whipped cream because it contain many fat. But i think it's just a myth," he said. He stopped his steps when i stopped in front of a store to see their collection in the show windows.

"Myth?" I asked, walking back and he followed me again.

"Yeah.. Or it's just not work to you," said André as he angling his body when we passed a group of people while crossing the street.

"Well.. It's depend on the fate," i laughed. "I'm kidding. Actually i do work out if i have free time. I like to eat a lot and sugary foods and sometimes i even just can eat junk food, so yeah..,"

"Tell Marco to cook for you so you can still eat healthy foods in between your job. As i recall his cuisine is quite good,"

"Quite good? Do you ever taste his food?" I turned my head to him while stepping my feet into my favorite brand store, Zara, and André followed obediently behind me without a slightest protest.

"Ehmm.. It was a long time ago. Once," he said as he watched me who was looking around the latest fashions stuff. "Is he getting better with his food or worse?" Asked André.

"Better i think. But he's busy, no time to cook anymore," i said without looking at him. My eyes glued on the new arrival stuff which laid on the big table in the middle of the stores.

"Busy? I don't know that BVB schedule is so dense. They had just started the training right?"

"Yeah.. Not only with BVB, he has another activity," i said, walking leaving the the big table towards the exit door.

"Really? What's Marco doing?" André keep asking while following my step.

I shrugged. "Boy things," i said, sipping finish off my drink and threw the empty glass into the trash. "How about you? When you'll start with your new club?"

"Me? Our training will start on next week, we'll do preparation for our Asian and USA tour,"

"Asian and USA tour? You'll go there?"

"Yeah, we'll visit 3 countries in Asia. Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and then we'll go to USA," said André with a grin.

"Woww.. That's great. Oh my god, you'll go around the world.. I'm so jealous!!" I said excited as i elbowed him playfully.

"Ahh.. Don't be, please," André laughed. He looked so happy and very excited. Yeah, he deserved with this. "Are you okay, Mila?" He asked of a sudden and his question made me surprised and i automatically turned to him.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

André shrugged once, "No.. I just feel that you avoided when we talk about Marco," he said.

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