Chapter 12

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I smelled a good scent. It smelled like the wide ocean and the forest. So fresh but also soft. I opened my eyes slowly. The first thing i realise was i lay on the big bed but it wasn't my hotel room. I looked around without raised my head from the pillow. No one here. I was alone in this room. This room looked masculine. I directly could recognize from the colors's combination of this room. Light grey, white, and black. So manly and peaceful. I had to admit that this room felt really comfortable. It made people who was here didn't want to get out.

I sighed while rubbing my face with my hands. I tried to lift my head slowly. It still felt dizzy but nothing like before. I tried to move my body a little bit, and it turned out my body didn't hurt as much as before. Feeling everything was getting better, i rose my body to sit on the bed. I wondered, what was exactly happened to me last night. I rolled back all the memory i had from yesterday, ranging from i left Marco until André came to meet me at the park near to the London Bridge. André? Ahh yes André. André was the one i met for the last time before everything turned to dark. I remembered, i heard his voice called my name. But after that, i didn't remember anything.

I got down from the bed and walked towards the door. Slowly i opened it without making any sound. The room outside the bedroom was a large room that was virtually surrounded by glass windows on all it's sides. The room was very bright because the sun went in there through the glass. I came out of the room, walked to the nearest window of the bedroom to see the situation outside and I was floored. The scenery was so beautiful out there. I switched my gaze from the window into the room. Apparently it was a living room and also a tv room. A big sofa placed there in front of a large plasma tv.

I was shock for a moment when my eyes caught something from behind the sofa. I approached and I saw André was sleeping there. Oh god, I thought I could guess what happened last night. I might passed out and Andre brought me here. And the bedroom where I slept before probably was his bedroom.

I walked closer to him and knelt beside him. I pondered for a moment, watching his face while sleeping and his thick ginger hair that looked messy. I smiled at myself, 'You don't need to do this André,' i whispered. I moved my hand slowly, i was in a doubt but I wanted to wake him so he could move to sleep in his own room. But when I almost touched his shoulder, he opened his eyes first and I immediately pulled back my arm.

"Hey," said André when he saw me as he blinked his eyes, adjusted them with the bright.

"He.. Hey," I replied, slightly embarrassed, while standing up and stepped backward one step from him.

André rose from his lying position to sit. "How do you feel, Mil?" He asked as he rubbed his face with his hand then he lifted up his head to see me.

"Ehmm.. Better. Much better," i smiled awkwardly.

"That's great," said André as he stood up. He walked from the couch while doing some motions to stretch his body. I could hear a rattle coming from his muscle. He definitely really tired after his summer tour with Chelsea.

"Hey André, last night...," i asked as i followed walking behind him.

"Ohh.. Last night you really freaking me out. You fainted of a sudden, so i brought you here," he said as he poured water from the jar into a glass which laid on the bar table.

"It's your apartment?" i asked.

"Yeah.. Finally i got the good one, right? Do you like it?" André asked me back as he offered another glass that already filled with the water.

"Yeah.. I like the view from here. It's beautiful. And everything's here feel comfortable," i said, taking a glass from his hand and i gulped it until it left half of glass.

"My family helped me to decorate this place while i was on the summer tour," said André. He put his glass that now empty on the table and moved from there.

"Woww.. They're great," i said as i followed him again. He walked towards the door and went down the stairs.

"Yeah.. Absolutely." He said proudly while stepping his foot down from the last rung then he immediately turned into a room next to the stairs and it was the kitchen. A minimalist kitchen with wooden kitchen set that complete with a large oven, a refrigerator, and a small breakfast table. "What do you want for breakfast?" Asked André as he opened the huge refrigerator.

"What? Ahh no.. It's not necessary," i said immediately, waving my hands.

"You said you'll ask me to cook healthy food for you," he said as he looked up at me from the front of the refrigerator.

"I was kidding, André. You don't have to cook anything, i can buy something on my way to the hotel," i said, made a peace symbol with my index and middle fingers. Omg.. I felt so guilty. He repeated my words from yesterday. I didn't mean anything when i said it and didn't think that he would take it as a serious thing.

"Hotel?? No no, you won't go to the hotel. You'll stay here until you're really healthy," said André. He lifted his index finger and wiggled it to the left and right. He raised both of his eyebrows while smirking.

"What? I'm fine now. I feel so much better than yesterday," i said.

"The doctor said, you need a lot of rest, eat regularly and calms your mind. So I'll take care of you from now until the doctor says you're 100% healthy," said André without looking at me. He took some stuff from his refrigerator and walked to the kitchen table with 3 eggs, a box of fresh milk, and 2 tomatoes in his hands.

"Doctor? You brought me to the doctor?" I asked as i walked approaching him. I took 2 mugs from the sheld above the sink and poured the fresh milk into them while he took the frying pan, cutting board, and knife from the kitchen cabinet.

"Nope.. I called the doctor from the team and luckily he wanted to come," André said as he washed the tomato on the sink then he diced them.

"What?? You don't need to do this André," i said while putting the mugs on to the breakfast table.

"I should. I won't let you to be alone in this condition and you're my friend, so i do this," said André as he left the cutting board to take the frying pan and put it on to the stove. He broke the eggs on to the frying pan and let it cooked.

"Oh god.. I really feel ashamed. I was very troubling you," i said as i moved, taking over his place in front of the cutting board. I didn't know what he wanted to do with this tomato that already diced.

"No problem. Just think that this place as your home too," said him. He walked back to the refrigerator. Now, he took salad and onion from it. He put the salad on the sink and the onion on the cutting board. "Can you help me with them?" He asked me then.

"Sure," i answered. I opened the faucet, pouring water over the salad. After it was clean, I put it in a large bowl which he had been prepare before then i moved to slice the onion and put them all together with the tomatoes over the salad. Turned out he was going to make a fresh green salad. "Hey, did you tell Marco about this?" I asked after i finished to mix them in the bowl.

"Don't worry, i don't tell him. He won't have thought that you're here," said André while moving the frying eggs onto the plate and put it together with the basket of bread on the breakfast table. Now, the breakfast was ready.

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