Chapter 29

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Dortmund, Oct 16th

Marco's POV

What was this feeling? Why i was feeling like this? I didn't understand, i even couldn't explain what kind of feeling that i felt right now. It was like... I didn't know, it was complicated. Restless, nervous, scare but i didn't know of what? I couldn't sleep last night. I wasn't even sleepy. I tried to read some online news and watched the boring drama but it was useless. I still couldn't sleep at all. What was going on? What would happen?

I sighed slowly while watching my coffee cup which was still full with blank stares. My finger tapped the glass wall and occasionally i glanced at my IPhone that placed right next to my coffee. There was no activity at all from my phone since i woke up. No whatsapp, sms, skype, or call. It was completely silent. I tried to call Mila since earlier, but her phone was switched off. Maybe she was still sleeping. or maybe she already started working. She said, she would go to Paris for work and because she worked with the television, i had to understand that her working hours were different than the others. But still i couldn't be calm. Not until i could hear her voice.

I sipped my coffee once. Erghh.. It was bitter. Seemed that i definitely forgot to put the sugar. I stood holding a cup of coffee and threw it into the sink. I felt like i didn't have an appetit for breakfast even just for a coffee though. I stood leaning against the kitchen table and looked around this room. At first i was so happy everytime i was here. Breakfast every morning, even if it was just milk and a bowl of cereal, but Mila was here. This kitchen was our favorite place. And now, everything felt cold, silent, and deserted. Since Mila left, i almost never sat down and ate at the dinner table again. I preferred to dining out with Marcel or the others. Because for me, being here alone, was really painful.

Yeah.. I hated this pain. Even though we were already back together again but i still felt uneasy. I felt something different. Something had changed between us. I felt it but i thought i was too afraid to accept it. I tried to not think about it. I always told myself that it was just my feeling and maybe we needed a little more time to fix everything. That was why actually i wanted Mila to live here again. How could we make everything better if she lived in London, many miles away from me. And according to our extraordinary work, we just had a short time to contact each other. Oh God, i hated long-distance relationship.


London, Oct 18th

"So you will come tonight?" I asked while drying my hair with my towel. I had just finished shower when André called me. He said that he had just finished his training and was on the way back to his flat.

We were already in London now. Back to our live, back to our activities, but we were still in contact and maybe we were like a couple who were deeply in love. After everything we through, we realised that we wanted to be together. Our decision to apart for our goodness instead made us knew that we couldn't avoid the love that grew between us. It wouldn't be easy for us and it might sound selfish, i knew it. But we didn't wanna give up on us. Whatever happened, we wanted to be together.

"Yes, i will come before the dinner time," said André from the other side.

"Ok. Hey.. How about to cook something for dinner?" I asked as i fell my body on the white comfortable sofa in my living room. I lift up both of my legs, looking for a good position to relax. After had half day working, lying here while watching TV was my favorite activity to spent the time.

"What do you wanna cook?" Asked André.

"Hmm.. Maybe some Turkish food?" I suggested after i saw a report about Turkish street food on the TV just now. Kebab, Manti, Haslama. Omg, it was good enough to make me hungry before the dinner time.

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