Chapter 32

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"This is your order, Mr. Schürrle," said the waiter with the black tight short and white bowties.

"Thanks," i smiled thanking him. He smiled back at me, then politely the asian-faced waiter left my table.

I sighed slowly while sipping my drink. This was my third kamikaze. A little vodka wtih lime juice, i thought it wasn't forbidden for a footballer and at first i just wanted to order one glass, just to calm my mind, but it turned out one wasn't enough for me.

The night was getting late but it seemed not effected to this club. This club increasingly more the merrier and the song that David played was more up beat than before. I watched some people who were dancing on the dance floor. My head felt so dizzy. I didn't know, either it was because of their crazy dance or because i was getting drunk. My feeling also felt so bad. I couldn't explain it but it was so hurt especially everytime i remember about her. I sipped my kamikaze again, trying to remove her reflection from my head. I felt face started to feel hot. I bet it had turned to red right now. Well, it seemed that i had to stop drinking. This would be my last glass for tonight.

"Seems that something bothering you, Schü," Laura's voice broke my reverie when i was staring at my glass.

"Ahh hey.. Dave has done?" I asked while turning at her.

She walked passing me and sat on her place. "Yeahh.. This is the last song," She said as she took her drink that still contained half a glass and sipped once. "Where's Reus and Mila?" She asked then.

"They left," i simply replied. At the same time, i felt the pain on my chest when she mentioned Mila's name. I grimaced, somehow it was very painful. I took a deep breath, trying to hold my pain. I really felt bad right now. Never imagine before taht everything would change just in some hours. I still remembered how happy i was this morning when i woke up and saw Mila was sleeping next to me. And also the comfort i felt when we were cuddling all night long, like we didn't wanna separate one to each other. I didn't know, our time was very short though, to know each other and to be together, but I felt that she was very special. I felt like finding the missing piece of my soul and i was very happy with her, but yeah, everything was useless. I had to accept the fact that now i was really going to losing her, even though i was not ready for it.

"Are you okay, Schü?" Asked Laura of a sudden. I raised my head and i found her was staring at me carefully. I didn't know how long she had do that and i didn't realise it at all.

"Am i look like not okay?" I asked her back, raising my eyebrows, trying to make my intonation sounded in confusion.

"According to what i see, it's yes," said Laura with very confident. Whereas i rare met her lately, but she knew. Oh god, was my face looked so terrible right now? I just stayed quiet and said nothing but Laura could know that something was bothering me only by saw my face? "Is someone breaking your heart?" Asked Laura while looking at me in curious with her rascal gaze.

Checkmate!! "Why do you ask that?" I throw the question back to her. Honestly i was a bit surprised because she could direct to those thing. Broken heart.

"Because the last time i saw you with this face was when you just broke up with Sandra," she answered with ease while taking a snack that was still left on the table and put them into her mouth. Then while chewing and leaning her back on the sofa, she watched my face. "Hmm.. I think i'm right," she muttered at herself with a satisfied smile. Well it seemed she managed to get all the answers of her questions without me having to answer them.

"Fussy," i responded quickly. I took my drink and sipped it until it only left a little.

"Who's the girl?" She asked directly, without a doubt.

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