Chapter 16

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I would miss them all. Everything. Every corner in this place, my desk, my dressing room, the living room, the kitchen. I sighed slowly as i stared around my apartment with Marco. My love nest. I chuckled sarcastically at myself. It was hard for me to be here again. After we broke up and i left this place. I went to London and got the peace in the new situation. But when i was back to this place, i directly felt myself fell into the abyss of sadness. There were too much memories here that i couldn't instantly forget off hand.

"Mila, are you okay?" Asked Gerda when she saw me just stood quiet at the kitchen.

"Yeah.. Yeah, i'm okay," i said while wiping my tears from my eyes. Although i promised myself not to cry anymore but how could i do that? I liked seeing us there, at the kitchen, preparing breakfast together, making foods together, even sometimes we made out too.

"Mila, i think it's better to you to leave this place soon if you've finished," said Gerda again. I should thanks her because she wanted to accompany me to tidy up my stuff and also i would put them all in her apartment temporarily until i sent them to London. Apparantly my stuff here were quite a lot. I needed 2 days since yesterday to pack them all.

"Oh yes, you're right," i responded while turning my body, going out from the kitchen. "I'll take my suitcase from upstairs," i said to her and without waiting for her answer, i went to my bedroom on the second floor. My ex-bedroom more precisely.

This room looked mess. The unmade bed, the clothes from the laundry still piled up on the couch, and the dirty clothes scattered both in the room and in the toilet. I sat on my bed for the last time as i looked around. It was almost two weeks but the bed sheets was still the same as the last time i slept here. Marco definitely had no time to change it or he was too lazy to do all this housework. Yeah, usually i was the who did it all. But now it seemed he had to learn to fend for himself, because he couldn't count on me anymore.

My eyes got stuck at the cabinet under the TV. It was still there. The A5 frame with our photo inside when we celebrated Christmas together with his family two years ago. Everything was still fine that time and we were so happy. But now everything had changed. And what was happen before, our sweet memories would just be a memory.

I took a deep breath and directly pushed it away loudly. Okay Mila, it was enough for the nostalgia, now was time to move, i said to myself. I was about to get up from the bed when my phone rang, but it was just a notication alert. I directly knew who the sender was. It must be André, because only him and Gerda who knew my new number that i used for WhatsApp. I even hadn't tell my family. But it was ok, because we always chatted and called by skype or viber, so they wouldn't need my WhatsApp number.

I pulled out my phone from my denim pant pocket and tapped the screen to opened the notification. Yes, i was right. It was André.

andreschuerrle : 'Hey Mil, how do you do?'

I smiled at myself. It was silly. I broken heart and a person who was really help me was Marco's bestfriend. Maybe it wasn't a good idea, to being close with him but André was incredible a nice person. I owed him a lot.

milacklinsman : 'hey.. I had just finish packing my stuff at the apartment. And you?'

andreschuerrle : 'just finished the training too,'

milacklinsman : 'have a rest then, André,'

andreschuerrle : 'yeah i will.. Hey, i don't mean anything but i just want you to know, Mil.. Marco get cold, he might be can't play if he doesn't for on tomorrow,'

Marco. I felt like something pressed my heart of a sudden. I couldn't breath normally. It felt like something was holding. Precisely when i read his name. I remained silent for a while, pondering André's word. Marco was sick. Oh my god, maybe i should call him, i thought. But wait a minutes. Was he really sick?? What if they cooperate to lie to me? What if it was just André's trick to make me call Marco? Because he seemed like wanted me to back with Marco. However they were besties.

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