Chapter 37

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I didn't know what happened to me. What happened to me?? 10 days passed since i got the first nosebleeds when i was in Madison restaurant after the German NT won over England in London. And since then, nosebleeds had become my daily routine. The last three days, i even nosebleeds 2-3 times a day. I didn't know, but besides that complaints, i was fine. Just the sucks nausea in the morning sometimes, and my stamina that lately i felt it greatly decreased. I often felt very tired and sleepy. Although i regularly did yoga in the morning, but it didn't help.

Talked about 10 days ago. I didn't know what happened between André and Marco. After i parted with André, i went to the restroom. I was long enough to be in there because of this fucking nosebleeds. Then when i got out suddenly Marco came up to me and he put his arms around me. We walked together to the restaurant and back to join the others. But André had never return. I didn't dare to ask anyone about him. And since then i never saw André anymore.

Not only that case. Since 10 days ago, i felt Marco a little bit changed and day by day he increasingly changed. He became very protective to me. I even felt he was more like my bodyguard than as my boyfriend. He could call me 5-6 times a day when I wasn't in Dortmund and when i was in Dortmund, usually he never forbid me to hang out with Gerda but now i even couldn't get out from our apartment. He wanted me to spend my time only with him. And it seemed i didn't have freedom anymore. He wanted to always know what i was doing, where i wanted to go, and with whom. If i was in Dortmund, he could control me easily and when i was in Berlin or London, in the morning when i woke up, i immediately had to make video call with him. Not only in the morning but also if i wanted to go to work, when i went back home, and the last was before i went to sleep.

I didn't know what made him like this. He was like scare of something. Honestly his attitude made me quite stressful. And i didn't know why, lately i missed André. I missed his smile, his jokes, his eyes, and everything about him. I knew i shouldn't feel like this, but i felt like there was something that made me so connected with him. Weird. I really didn't understand.

I heard my phone rang when i was about to enter the entrance door of Briana's apartment building. Instead of called as apartment, i preferred to call it as flat. This building only had 5 floors and there was only one flat in each floor. Briana's flat located on the top floor of the building, 5th floor, but fortunately this small building had a lift as its facility, because if not, she would need extra battle when everytime she returned home.

I was sure that it was Marco who called me. Who else. Half hour ago i sent a text for him. I said that i was on my way to go back to the flat and i was waiting for a bus in front of the RTL office. He knew that the time length between my office and Briana's flat was about 25 minutes, so definitely he waited for it and immediately called when it had passed 25 minutes to make sure if i had arrived or not.

I took my phone and saw that the name which appeared on the screen. Indeed it was him, Marco. I sighed loudly before answering his video call, oh god how long i could stand if he remained like this. I felt tired to being watched like this. He seemed not believe me at all.

"Yes...," i said instead of 'hallo' after i pressed the green logo on my screen phone.

"Where are you?" Asked Marco as usual. It seemed that it already became his required question to me. Everytime he called me, he must would ask 'where are you?'

"I had just arrived in the front of the flat," i answered while pushing the entrance door and i got into the building. I rotated my phone, making a front camera positions turned to front so Marco could see what i was doing right now. Yeahh.. I was walking to the elevator and in about two minutes, i would reach Briana's flat.

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