Chapter 9

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"I don't believe that Reus could act like that," said Gerda as her first words after she was silent for a moment when i told her about yesterday. She seemed shock. She even stopped eating her lunch and gave a full attention to my story.

"He was drunk last night," i shrugged as i sipped my ice lemon tea. I shuddered while removing the straw from my mouth. This drink was really cold and it made my head throb.


"And what?"

"What happened after you went home? He still forced you to having sex?" Asked Gerda. She folded her hand on the table and looked at me with the curious gaze.

"He didn't come home last night, so i didn't know what happened to him, i didn't call him either. And this morning when i went out he haven't back yet," i said while playing the straw on my glass.

"So you haven't meet him again?" Gerda asked again and I just shook my head. "What will you doing if then you meet him?"

I shrugged once, no idea. I haven't think about it. Since last night, my mind was really mess and what's on my mind was still affected by my emotion. I kept playing with the straw on my glass while occasionally sipping it. I tried to be calm, tried to keep my mood so it didn't affect my day. I glanced at Gerda. I knew she still kept her eyes on me with a worry. Maybe she was one of person who didn't believe that my relationship and Marco was on the rock right now.

"Mila, i don't know that you love him so much, so you just stay quit when he hurt you," said Gerda. Her tones changed become like judging.

"He didn't hurt me, Gerda. He never hurt me actually," i protested. Yes, he never hurt me. The reason why i could still hold on was because he never hurt me.

"Physically yes, he never. But mentally?" Gerda insisted with her words and this time i couldn't answer her. "Mila, you have to be more assertive. When you feel uncomfort with him then leave him,"

"I can't decide anything, Gerd. He was so tense yesterday morning and maybe my words made him felt like i didn't care about him. I can understand why he was upset to me," i said. "Maybe if i was him, i would feel the same thing,"

"Okay.. I won't say anything else if you say like that," said Gerda, lifting her hands half. "But as your friend, i really want my friend to be happy, i want what the best for you," she added as she took her cutlery again.

I chuckled at her words. "Thanks, Gerd," i could understand why Gerda said like that. She was my best friend. Who the hell a friend who wanted to see her friend hurt. "Ahh.. By the way, i wanna tell you something,"


"RTL London offered me to be their fashion reporter," i said with a grin.

"Oh my god.. It means that you have to move to London?" She asked, excited. I nodded without removed my smile. "And you accept it?"

"I haven't give the answer. They give me time until end of August. And London Fashion Week would be their first coverage,"

"Woww.. It would be great, Mila. This is a really good opportunity. So what's your plan?" Asked Gerda again. Her expression was totally changed now. She seemed more excited than me.

"I don't know, i've told Marco but he didn't say anything. I think he won't agree if i take this job," i shrugged as i put a little slice of the chicken breast in rosemary sauce into my mouth.


"I know, i know... I have to think about myself, right?" I responded immediately. Even although she just said my name, i knew that she didn't think same thing with me. "To be honest, this job is really interesting. But i can't say anything right now. I still feel it hard to leave him,"

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