Chapter 38

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"The lasagna is ready," Gerda shouted excitedly as she pulled out the pan of lasagna from the grill.

Aroma of cheese mixed with aroma of roasted tomatoes and oregano immediately smelled so delicious and tempted even for me who didn't wanna eat could suddenly turn to hungry.

"Hey Mil, what are you doing? Don't just stay there, come here!!" Called Gerda while waving her hand to me who was standing leaning on the door. "I've deliberately made it special for you because i knew how much you like it, so please eat a lot," she added as she put the pan of hot lasagna on her dining table.

I chuckled at her words then i approached her and sat on the dining table right in front this tempting lasagna. Wowww.. It could hold myself with this aroma. Gerda offered the plate to me ask me to take it first. The guest first, she said.

Yeah.. I was at Gerda's flat right now. After i had a small fight with Marco this morning, finally he allowed me to go to Gerda's flat but it also only during his training. He dropped me here before he went to the Brackel and he would pick me up after he finished with his training. Everything seemed difficult now. I didn't know what could make him so scare so i even couldn't go with Gerda. He really wanted me just to be in the distance that he could see with his eyes.

When i told to Gerda about Marco, she told me that she had the same thought with Briana. Maybe Marco knew and waited. If their opinion was true, i could understand why he acted like this. Several time he said he didn't wanna loosing me anymore after we broke up and back together, and then he found out that i had affair with André. Eventhough now we had over it but i guessed Marco wouldn't simply believe it.

Yeah.. Everything about me and André was just a memory, a beautiful love to remember. Although in fact, i still couldn't get him out of my head. Lately even worse. Like this morning when i woke up, the first thing that i remember was him. What he was doing? Did he have his breakfast before he went to training. Did he not forget to check the contents of his fridge? And was he still thinking about me like i was?? It was weird, right? I didn't know why, but i felt that i was so connected with him. The more i tried to forget the more i missed him.

"Hey Mila, what's wrong?? Why are you crying?" Asked Gerda of a sudden. She rose from her seat and approached me.

What? Crying? Omg.. Yes, i was crying. I even didn't know that i was crying. I immediately rubbed my tears with my hand. Apparantly André and memory about him had made me so fragile. With only thinking about him could make me cry.

"What's wrong Mila? Tell me," said Gerda while putting her hand on my shoulder. Her voice sounded worry. She moved sitting on the empty chair beside me.

"No no.. I'm okay. I just...," i tried to lie while avoiding Gerda' gaze but fuck, this tears didn't wanna stop. "I really miss André," finally i confessed in tears.

"Oh my god, Mila. Come on honey, tell me everything. I'm here by your side," said Garda as she grabbed my head. She embraced me, making my head rested on her shoulder.

What she was doing made me more sobbed. At first i tried to hold my tears but now i could hold it anymore. I felt really sad and my heart was pain. I didn't know what i had to say to Gerda. I wanted to tell her everything, from a to z, about Marco, about André, about me, about everything but i didn't have a word to say. I was so mess, i could think anymore. My head felt like gonna exploded. And what i could do was only crying.

Gerda stroked my hair gently. Occasionally she even kissed my head. She was really like a mother who patiently listened to her broken heart daughter cried and i was that girl. She didn't talk anything, not asked anything, she just let me cry and it was weird that i felt a little relief after i cried like this. Maybe i had hold this tears for quite long time. Yeahh.. I never talked about my relationship with André in detail to anyone, including Gerda. So she just knew a little part of our story and maybe also she didn't know about my feeling.

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