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I never guess that i would be in this way. At the beginning, everything is pink, so sweet, so beautiful. Then everything turned to blue. Everything has changed. There's no us again, there's only you and me now or maybe there's only you and i'm just like a statue for you.

I don't know with whom do i live and i don't know who you are. You're my love but you're someone else for me with yourself and your world..

I pondered my laptop screen, re-reading my writing on my private blog. My finger is on my mouse and ready to click it to publish it. I moved the cursor around between publish and delete, but in the end, i clicked the delete sign.

I sighed loudly as i looked at the empty page on my laptop screen. I checked the time on the wall clock that hanging on top of the photo counter. It's almost midnight and again there's no news from him.

For many times, i tried to ask him, am i still your girlfriend? What i'm doing here? What i mean to you? But i have no chance, even just to be heard.

I returned my focus on my laptop. My fingers start to type the alphabet on the keyboard. I don't know what the other people would think when they read this, but i just wanna share my feeling. And i don't care.

'I don't wanna feel a love like this, what i know, love is supposed to be beautiful. I don't wanna feel uneasy soul like this, i just want you to stay with me...'


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