Chapter 14

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"So you will go to Germany the day after tomorrow?" I asked, turning my head to see him who was sitting and busy with his laptop which laid on the coffee table. We were in his living room, sitting on his big L-shaped couch, adjacent but with a distance.

"Yeah.. We have friendly match against Paraguay on 14th August," André said as he kept his eyes on the laptop.

"Ohh.. And when you will back?" I asked again.

"One day after the match i think. You can stay here as long as you want," said André while lifting his body to sit upright. He stretched his body to the right and to the left, then he fell himself on a pile of pillows behind him.

"No no.. My friend Gerda will come here tomorrow and we will looking for the apartment for me," i said.

Two days ago i called Gerda and told her what happened to me, i passed out, and i stayed at André's place. She was really worry about me. She said that she would come to London and she would help me to prepare everything i need for my moving to London, including to accompany me to RTL on next Monday to meet the producer to tell them that i accept the job.

I hoped i could find the new apartment for me tomorrow. I would move from here as soon as possible. It wasn't because of what. I was happy to stay here, André was very kind to me. But I thought if i stayed here more longer, i could caused some trouble for him, besides, i didn't want troublesome him anymore.

"Ohh really? Why you don't ask to the management here. I think the still have many empty room for rent," asked André as he grabbed a pillow and held it in his arms.

"Here is too far from the studio, André. Maybe i will looking for at Camden and surrounding area," i replied him. Eventhough i adored this apartment, but it would take about half hour to reach the studio from here by car. I hadn't know London as well, so i thought i prefer to live around my workplace first for the beginning to make everything easier.

"Ok, but sorry i can't accompany you," he said, he heard like feeling guilty.

"It's ok. You did many things for me and its more than just anything. I should thanks you a lot," i responded directly.

Yeah.. André already did many things for me. Too many. He even did something that i never had from Marco. I wouldn't forget what he did to me last night. It was not too much, just a simple dinner and a little birthday cake, but he turned everything. He managed to bring my big day back, although he shouldn't do that actually.

André stared at me for a while. His eyes looked worry and in a doubt. "You can come whenever you want, Mila. I'll be here for you and you can count on me," he said with serious tone.

"Oh god, André...,"

"What? Wanna cry again?" André cut me immediately, showing his nosy face.

I clucked tongue. I grabbed a sofa pillow and directly threw it to him. "Shut up," i protested, pretending to upset, and this reaction made him laugh. I pouted, turning my face towards the tv. Actually i was slightly shy at him. I cried too much in front of him. He surely thought that i was a whiny girl. Damn.

We didn't talk for a moment, focusing ourself to watch the comedy program on the local TV and laughed occasionaly. Suddenly something occurred on my head. André would go to German to join the national team and that meant Marco would probably be there too.

"Hey André, is Marco would be there too?" I asked as i still focused my eyes on TV.

"Yes," André simply answered without switching his eyes from the TV then he laughed again when the comedian did something funny.

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