Chapter 25

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Dortmund in autumn. So beautiful, so old, so romantic. I looked out through the large window of a small coffee shop in Dortmund Airport, i saw the dead leaves began to fall and fly because of the wind. A beautiful scenery. I loved autumn. This was one of the time that i was waiting for.

I sipped my coffee once and diverted my concentration back to the Candy Crash game on my phone. This game was quite entertaining to spend the time but sometimes it also could piss me off. I was waiting for Marco here. I just arrived from London and Marco said that he would pick me up. Whereas I told him that I could go to his apartment by taxi, but he insisted.

"Mila..," i heard Marco's voice called me from behind. I turned my head directly and i saw him in his gray DSquared Pullover was walking towards me.

"Hey..," i greeted him without raised from my chair. Marco bowed his body and gave me a kiss on my forehead. His hair still looked wet and irregular. But his parfume smelled so stark when he kissed me. I bet that he must be in a hurry and directly took a shower after training was finished today. Yeah.. that was the reason why i said that he didn't need to pick me up. I didn't wanna make trouble and made him to be a rush like this.

"Sorry i'm late," said Marco as he pulled the chair beside me and sat.

"It's okay. I'm not waiting too long," i replied while sipping my coffee again and put my phone on the table.

"But you must be tired," Marco looked at me in a worry. He grabbed my hand and stroked my back hand slowly with his thumb.

I replied his gaze as i held his hand back, "I'm okay, Marc. Besides, i already have my dopping," i winked, trying to make him calm as i tapped my coffee glass with my finger.

Marco just chuckled to my respond but his face now became more calm than before. Speaking about tired, Marco looked more tired than me. I finished my coffee in one gulp. Might be better if we didn't linger here. I didn't wanna Marco to be exhaustion ahead of his training with the national team. "Wanna go now?" I asked as i put my phone into my bag.

"Gerda is already home?" He asked as he watched my activity.

I told him before i took off from London that i wanted to overnight at Gerda's place tonight. It was quite a long time since the last time i met her and there were so much things that we wanted to share including about André. Although we already decided to not seeing each other anymore but i felt i still couldn't get through it easily. I really wanted to tell Gerda about it, though maybe she would yell at me but at least she might had some advices for me.

At first Marco seemed not wanna allow me to stay at Gerda's place eventhough it was only for a night. He said he wanted to spend time with me as much as possible when i was here and he said that i could meet Gerda when he was away for training. But after i was a bit insisted with the reason that Gerda had to work during the day and i only asked for 1 night from my 5 days in Germany and the rest i was going to stay with him, finally he allowed me to spend my first night at Gerda's place.

"Not yet.. But she gave me her key when the last time i went here so i could come without have to wait for her," i said.

"Oh.. Ok," Marco simply responded. He still kept his eyes on me. It seemed he didn't wanna miss a single thing of me.

I stood and pulled back my chair to make a space for me to walk while Marco still sat at his place and he just watched me. I didn't know what made him did that but then suddenly he stood up and pulled me into his arms. I was surprised because of his sudden action. He hugged me very tightly without said anything. Even it seemed like he didn't give any one centimeter distance between us. "Hey Marco? What's wrong?" I asked, confused. Actually it was fine if he hugged me like this but i felt there was something else.

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