Chapter 42

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One week later


"Yes baby, i'm fine... Yes i eat regularly of course, 4 times a day, more often than what the doctor suggested," i said to André who was in London over the phone. "Yes i'm having my breakfast now. Mom made a cheese fried rice with egg for me today," I added while getting rid of parsley from top of my fried rice. My mom had a few pots of parsley at the backyard so she always put them to every food that she made to make them looked sweeter. Well, indeed it looked nicer, but i didn't like parsley on top of fried rice.

"Yes teddy bear, i know it," i said responding André's words. He was really worry about me. He wanted me to have a lot of rest, stayed at home, eat a lot, etc etc. Just like everything that the doctor said before i left the hospital.

Yeah.. Since 2 days, finally the doctor allowed me to go home with many notes that i should follow. And because of that, my mom wanted me to stay at our family home in Bonn with her, so she could take care and keep her eyes on me. She knew me exactly, i wasn't a person who could only stay still without doing anything and she was afraid if i went back to London, i couldn't rest properly. Unexpectedly, André agreed my mom's idea despite the fact that he wanted me to stay with him, but considering to his activities with Chelsea, he finally relented. My health was the most important thing for him now, that was what he told me. He was so sweet. Maybe i just found another reason why i loved him.

"Hey baby, can i call you later? I think my mom is on the way to the kitchen and she will glare at me if she sees me have my breakfast while talking on the phone," i said when i heard the sound of the door. My mom was at her bedroom when i went to the kitchen and since there were only me and my mom at home, so i guessed it must be her. "Ok, be careful. I love you,"

"Is that André?" Asked my mom once she got into the kitchen. And definitely i was right. It was her.

I nodded while grinning at her question, like a little girl who had just made a mistake and was begging her mother not to be scolded. I knew my mom would not like it and i knew that she wouldn't work to her and she would stay silent during the breakfast time to punish me as what she always did to us but at least i tried. Who knew if eveything had changed?

But i thought it didn't. Mom just stared at me for a while after hearing my answer then she took a plate from the kitchen cabinet and sat down in front of me. One second, two seconds, til ten seconds passed. No one was talking between us. Oh my god.. I really didn't like this situation. "Mom, i know i'm wrong, i'm sorry," finally i started to talk with my apology. There was the only thing i had to do when i wanted my mom talked to me.

"For what?" Mom asked me while sipping her coffee from a white mug which had a unique handgrip. It must be one of her collection. She really loved to collect many unique stuff. Start from antique lamps, dinnerware, to flower pot, she got them all when she traveled somewhere. Then those were stored in the display cabinet and some other places in our house. And for stuffs that could be used as cutlery, she would use them alternately depending on her mood.

"Talking on the phone while eating?" I hang the tone of my last word.

"Hmm.. How is he?" asked her as she took today's newspaper from the top of the bar and took it together with her antique cup to the dinning table. Then she sat right next to me.

"What?" I quickly turned to her. She really made me surprise with her question.

"How is he?" She repeated while turning her face to see me. It mean that she was serious with her question.

"He's fine," i said with a doubt tone in my voice.

"That's good. I like him," said mom while sipping her coffee again.

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