Chapter 17

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Marco's POV

'I wanna see you play tomorrow,' this words still rang on my ears, filling my head. I swore though I had to hear it for a thousand times, I wouldn't be bored. That was only simple words but it meant everything to me. It could even make my headache suddenly disappeared. More potent than any medicines. And that was why i could be here now, in the stadium, and i was ready for the last training before the game tonight.

"Hey Bro, how are you?" Asked André when he came approaching me. He tapped my back with a drink bottle which he brought to me.

"Hey.. Fine, i'm fine. The doctor allowed me to play," i said while taking my drink bottle from his hand.

Yeah.. After i had breakfast this morning, i saw the team's doctor to re-check my condition while the others went to the stadium for the last training. I had some medical test and he stated that i was 100% healthy. He signed a statement which told about my condition and i gave it to Herr Löw. According to that statement, finally Herr Löw put my name in the list of the players who would play as starter tonight. I couldn't believe it, i would play tonight. Whereas i had bern desperate. Thanks God. Thanks to make Mila called me last night.

"Wow.. That's great!!" André responded, punching my upper arm slowly.

"Yeah, thanks God," i said as i raised one of my eyebrow to him.

"You look so happy too today. Is something happened?" Asked André while staring at my face with curious gaze. His blond eyebrows seen united in the middle when he was frowning like that.

"Mila called me last night,"

"Mila?" He raised one of his eyebrow.

"Yeah.. You know André, i know you can smell that my relationship and Mila is on the rock right now," i said as we walked together entering the field. I sighed slowly. I pulled him slightly to make him walked following me, keeping away from the others. "I won't hiding this from you André. I wanna tell you, i broke up with Mila," i said in whisper as my eyes kept attention to people around me.

"How could it happen?" André seemed shock but he still could control his voice to speak normally.

"Yeah.. it was my fault. I was really stupid," i let a sigh came out from my mouth. "After we won against Bayern in the Super Cup, we held the party and they chose me to speech. I was too busy with it and i forgot her birthday," i cut my story while turning my head to him. I just wanted to know his expression but apparantly his face didn't change. He listened to me carefully without said anything, seemed that he waited for the next words from me.

"She asked me to have a dinner to celebrate her birthday but i just sent her a text which said that i couldn't come. The day after when she mad at me, i even mad back at her and the she left home," i continued.

"And?" Asked André.

"It was happen almost two weeks ago, she didn't call me, she avoided me, and i didn't know where she was,"

"So that's why you looked so upset and restless all this time?"

"Yeah.. I know i'm a bad boyfriend, André. But now i realise that she's really important for me," i shrugged once.

André still kept on his eyes on me. I didn't know what he was thinking but maybe he was mocking how stupid i was in his head.

"What did she say last night?" André asked. I didn't know, maybe it was just my feeling but i felt that André looked more interested than before. He seemed more wanna know about what Mila said to me than my story about why i could break up with her. André was already suspicious about my relationship with Mila when I got to London before. So maybe it wasn't a big new news for him.

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