Chapter 40

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André's POV

No.. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. How it could be happened? What was happened? What was wrong with her?

Holy shit!!! Why this taxi seemed drove so slow?? How much time i needed to arrive at the hospital? I wanted to be there as soon as possible. I wanted to make sure by myself what happened to Mila. What was wrong with her? Why she could collapes of a sudden and why did she still not wake up after one day passed?

This morning, suddenly i got a call from Marco. I never thought he would call me anymore after what happened in London 2 weeks ago. That was the last time i met him and after that, it seemed impossible for us to remain friends as ever. I also didn't expect that it he would forgive me in a short time. So when he called me, i was surprised and i was more surprised when i heard what he said. Mila fainted yesterday night and she was still unconscious till now. Marco did't tell what happened to her in detail. He also didn't talk much on the phone, he just asked me to come to Dortmund if i could.

I didn't think anymore. After hearing about it from Marco, what was on my mind was just Mila. The last time i met her was also in London, on the same occasion with Marco, after we beat England in a friendly match. That time i realized that Mila looked thinner and a little bit pale, But i didn't think anything. I thought she was just exhausted from his activities. Oh my god.. I hoped she was alright. I hoped nothing bad happened to her.

I off for Dortmund after today's training with Chelsea. Actually i wanted to go that time after i got a call from Marco but i had a responsibility in my club. I was a new player and i had to be professional, although in the end i couldn't concentrate during practice because there was only Mila in my head. And as a risk, i had to receive reprimand from Mou because of my neglect. But i didn't care. The woman that i loved was unconscious on the other side without any clarity about her condition, how could i practice quietly??

"Is the hospital still far from here, sir?" I asked to the taxi driver. I couldn't wait to get to the hospital immediately.

"Maybe around 10 minutes," said the driver while turning the wheel to the left. Now our taxi had entered the main road. On the right side of the road, saw a vehicle speed limit sign board, but it looked like this taxi drove much slower than that.

I sighed while dropping my back leaning against the back of a taxi passenger seat. 10 minutes. But with the way he drove, it seemed that i would need more than 10 minutes to reach the hospital. I wanted to ask him to drive faster but i didn't have a heart. The driver was an old man, maybe in the same age with my father and he made me remember about him. Last week he came to London to visit me and he asked what was wrong with me. Impossible if i told him about my complicated relationship with Mila. He very supported my career and he was also quite close with Marco. So very impossible to tell him.

"Are you in a hurry, Mr Schürrle?" Asked the driver while looking at me through the middle rearview mirror. Maybe he saw me checked my time several times since i was in the taxi.

Wait... Mr. Schürrle? How could he know my name. Ah yeah, i forgot that i was in German right now. Mostly people in German liked football, so if they always watched the football league, they should know who i was. Maybe this driver was a football fan too. And maybe he wondered why i could be here.

"I just want to be at the hospital as soon as possible," i said as i showed him a thin smile on my lips.

"Is something bad happens?" asked the driver while occasionally looking at me through the middle rearview mirror.

"No.. I hope not. it's just someone who is very important to me is being treated there. And i really want to meet her. I said.

"Ah it must be your girlfriend," he said. "I don't know that your girlfriend is live in Dortmund. I'm so sorry, Mr. Schürrle,"

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