Chapter 8

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Two weeks passed after Marco followed me to London. It was a surprise for me actually. I never expected that he was willing to leave his training just to meet me in London, but he did. Eventhough i couldn't say too much but i agreed to fix everything. He kept his words, our relationship was increasingly getting better now, but i realised that we still need a time to make everything returned as before.

"Good morning," i greeted when i saw him walking to the kitchen where i was preparing a healthy breakfast for him. Today is the game day of Super Cup Finale and he had to go to the Brackel for the warming up and last briefing before they would go to the Signal Iduna Park.

"Good morning," said Marco, half tones. He dropped his gym bag on the floor and directly sat on the dining chairs without said anything else.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked while approaching him on the dining table. I knelt in front of him, grabbing his face with both of my hand so i could see him clearly.

"Yeah.. Yes sure, i'm okay," he replied, smiling, but it looked that he forced it.

"You looked so tense, Marco," i said, stroking his face with my thumb.

"Actually i couldn't sleep well last night," said Marco.

"Because of the game today?"

"It's really important game for me, Mil,"

"I know. But you have to stay calm, Marco. Thinking hard about the game just will make you stress," i said, getting up from squatting and sat on the chair next to Marco as i kept my eyes on his face. "Come on, don't show the face like this. I'm sure that you will play very well tonight,"

"Really?" I nodded for sure. "Thanks babe," he said with smile as he held my hand which was on his cheek. "So what time you will come to the Brackel?" Asked Marco then.

"I don't know, i think i will go direct to the stadium," i shrugged as i rose from the chair and walked to the microwave to take the cereal that was being heated from the inside.

"What? Why?"

"My broadcast would finished at 6.30pm. I won't make it if i have to go to the Brackel,"

"Just ask someone to replace you, Gerda maybe. Or maybe you can shift your broadcast time become earlier,"

"I couldn't arbitrarily like that, Marco. I should ask the permit from my boss first," i said. I put some strawberries and banana on the cereal and walked back to the dining table to put it there.

"Your boss is a bvb fan, right? He must be understand," said Marco as he took a piece of toast to his plate.

"Yes he is but this is a matter of the work and the broadcast was my responsibility," i said while pulling the chair in front of him and sat on it.

"So you prefer to choose your job rather than me?" Asked Marco. His voice turned into a curt tone.

I immediately raised my head and looked at him. It was clearly on his face that he was upset. "I don't say that. I will come to the stadium, Marco. I just can't come to the Brackel. It's not a big thing," i said.

"It's a big thing for me. You know Mil, i'm jealous to see how the other wags support their partner. They even always follow us everywhere we go to give their support but you don't. You're too busy with yourself and your activity,"

"I have jobs Marco, i can't leave them. You know it,"

"Yes i know and i don't like it. Actually i want you to quit your jobs since a long time. You don't need it, Mil. I can give you everything you want,"

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