Chapter 3

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I was dreaming, a very beautiful dream. In my dream, Marco and i were together. He held me so tight, said that he couldn't do anything without me. We kissed. And we were making love. It was amazing, it felt so real, even now i still could feel his touch on my body and how we reached the climax together, the thing that i didn't feel for long time. Oh my god, i felt like i was willing to live in my dream, i was willing to sleep and not wake up anymore if i could feel it again, if he could back like he used to be.

I sighed slowly while changing my sleeping position. I felt my body was so light. I peered my body under the blanket and found that I was completely naked. I mused for a while, thinking. With my condition i was sure that Marco and i were having sex last night. So if the sex was real, how about the feeling? Was it real too? Impossible.

I rose, sitting on the bed. I still haven't been 100% conscious. I still confused to distinguish between dream and reality. I looked around our room, wishing that i could find him somewhere in this room since he didn't lie beside me now. I wanted to see him. I always wanted to see him. I wondered was he still at home or he already went to the Brackel for training. My eyes stopped at the small digital clock on my bedside table. It was 7 am. Fuck!! I have meeting in Berlin with RTL at 3 pm and at least i had to take the train at 9 or 10 am. I jumped from the bed, walking naked towards the bathroom in a hurry. I hadn't prepared anything. I planned to pack last night but in fact, what happened was under my plan.

I finished with everything in about 20 minutes and now i was ready to go. I checked the time once again before i left the bed room. I counted the time. If i wanted to take the ICE at 9am, i had to reach the train station at 8.30 and that meant, i still had about an hour to have breakfast and took a cab from this apartment to the train station. Okay, it was perfect time prediction, i thought. Now i had to take this luggage downstairs by myself since Marco already left. I sighed slowly, no time for complain. Maybe i had to think more serious about this relationship when i came back from Berlin.

"Good morning," i heard Marco's voice from the kitchen when i was walking through the living room.

I stopped my step directly, surprised. "Marco?" I didn't guees that he was still here. I approached him at the kitchen, "i think you already went to the Brackel," i said.

"It's still too early to go, honey. The training will start at 10 today," he said. He pulled my hand, made me fell to his lap. He held my body from behind while putting his chin on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see him and frowned. I felt that i couldn't believe what was happening now. Was it dream? Was i still sleeping? It felt like i was turning back the time. "Marco, what's going on?" I asked him in a doubt. It was silly that i really wanted him back like before, but when it seemed to happen, I didn't even believe it.

"What do you mean?" Marco asked me back as he kissed my cheek.

"You seem different," i answered while watching the dining table which was full with breakfast foods. Toast, ham, green salad, orange juice, milk, and coffee. "And this...," i held my words, pointing all the foods with my index finger.

"What's wrong with this breakfast? You don't like it? I think my green salad is your favorite,"

"No no.. I love the breakfast of course, but it's been a long time since the last time you made a breakfast for me,"

"Don't say like that, Mil. I know all this time i was wrong," he said, stroking gently my cheek. "I promise i will make a breakfast for you again every morning if i wake up before you,"

"Don't make a promise, Marco. I already very happy with this breakfast," i said while taking one toast and sat on the chair beside him. "You really suprise me," i winked.

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