Chapter 21

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André POV

Was it the sun? Oh my god.. Why it rose so early? I was still sleepy. I didn't even wanna open my eyes, but the sun was shining into my room so bright. I blinked slowly for several times. My eyes had to adjust to my room condition which now had illuminated with sunshine. I moved my body, lying in a supine position facing the ceiling. Damn.. My head still felt heavy. I guessed it was because of the whiskey that i drunk last night. I was unsual with that drink but last night somehow i just wanted to drink it.

I stopped at the bar that i passed on my way home from Mila's apartment. Lucky that it was London, not Düsseldorf of another city in Germany, so I didn't have to worry for being caught by the paparazzi who always followed as in Germany. Yeah.. but I still hoped that there was no idle paparazzi who took my pictures when i was drinking. Eventhough it was only 2 glasses of whiskey or maybe it was an orange juice, but we would never know what would the paparazzi say.

2 glasses of whiskey. Yeah, only 2 glasses but it was enough to make my head felt like carrying a ton of stone. Nice try, André. Seemed that i would come to the training with hangover face. What Mou would say then? Stupid!! I scolded myself.

I turned to see the clock which laid on my desk, i hoped that i still had a little time to kept lying here. I wanted to sleep again but it turned out i couldn't. I even just had one half hour before the training started.

I rose from my bed with all of my laziness. For the first time after i joined Chelsea, i really didn't wanna go training. I really felt bad today. Not just my head, but my body and my feeling too. I got out from my room, going downstairs to my kitchen. A glass of fresh milk maybe could recover my body. Besides i needed a breakfast before i went training.

I heard a voice from inside of my kitchen when i reach the down floor. It should be David, i thought. I didn't know what time he came home last night. When i was home, he hadn't returned. "Hey, good morning," i greeted him once i came into my kitchen. He was taking something from the refrigerator.

"Hey.. How's your night?" Asked David as he walked towards the kitchen table while taking cheese and butter.

"Me? Like usual. And you?" I asked him back. I walked to the refrigerator and took a box of fresh milk from inside.

"Last night was amazing. I thought you had an amazing night too," said David while slicing the cheese and put it on top of the bread together with eggs.

"Silly," i chuckled as i poured milk into the glass and brought it to the breakfast table. I pulled one of the chair and sat there.

David stared at me for a while with frowned. I thought he found something in me. Something wrong. "I need to ask you something, André," he asked then.

"Ehmm?" I respond without look at him while massaging my forehead with my thumb and my index finger.

"Do you like her?" Asked David as he kept his eyes on me.

I lifted my face looking at him. "Her? Who?" I asked, pretending to not understand his question but i knew who was he meant.

"Don't pretending buddy. You know exactly what i meant," said David. He turned his body to me with knife in his hand. He had just finished cutting the cheese. "Mila. Do you like her?" He asserted his question to the point.

"Mila? Of course i like her. She's pretty and a very nice girl. Everybody who knows her will definitely likes her," i said.

"That's not what i meant. I know that she's pretty, hot, and very nice girls," said David insisted.

"So what? You scare me with that knife anyway," i pointed the knife in his hand. He really looked like wanted to stab me.

"You like her as someone special, right?" He asked.

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