Chapter 4

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"Are you sure that you don’t need me to accompany you there?" Asked Gerda over the phone when i was on my way with the cab towards my hotel from the RTL London. Her voice sounded worry. Yeah.. How not. Last night i suddenly came to her apartment and cry. I also overnighted at her place, but honestly, i couldn’t sleep at all. My head felt like was about to explode. And so did my heart. When she asked me what happened, i even couldn’t tell her anything. I just could fall in tears. Never imagine in my life that i would find another girl with my man at my home when i came home. It was really hurt.

"I’m ok, Gerd. Don’t worry. Besides i wanna be alone right now," i said. At the same time i heard a tone from a call waiting. I put down my phone from my ear and saw the name which appeared on my LCD. It was from Marco. I sighed loudly. I didn’t wanna talk with him right now, so i just ignored his call.

"Reus called me again this morning," said Gerda of a sudden.

"Ohh.. And what did you say?" I asked. I knew Marco call her since last night. Marco knew that Gerda and i are so close and i thought he was sure that i surely would be at Gerda’s place last night or at least Gerda would know where i was.

"I said that you went to London for work and it’s weird that he didn’t know it," said Gerda.

"Yeah.. He doesn’t know. I haven’t tell him yet," of course. When i could tell him? The RTL gave me this job of a sudden for their new fashion program. I went to London this morning direct from Gerda’s place. I even didn’t pack again. Everything was the same with what i brought to Berlin. Lucky that i had my passport on my bag so i didn’t have to back to our apartment to take it.

"He sounded confuse, Mil. Does he…,"

"Gerd, i’m sorry but can we stop to talk about him? I don’t wanna talk about him," i cut her immediately. I was tired because of my job and i was upset. If i still have to hear his name, erghh.. I don’t know, maybe my head would explode soon.

"Oh my god, of course.. Sorry Mila," said Gerda.

"No no.. You don’t have to say sorry," i directly replied. Gosh, i felt so bad. Maybe i was too rough at her. But i didn’t mean it.

My taxi stopped on the lobby of Holiday Inn hotel at Camden Lock area. It was a great riverside hotel. I also stay there six months ago when i had a job with RTL because it was quite near to the TV station. I grabbed my bag and i gave some Poundsterling to the taxi driver while keeping my conversation with Gerda and walked inside the hotel.

"How long you’ll stay there?" Asked Gerda then, changed the topic.

"A week i think. But i will think again if i need a couple more nights to extend.. Ohh fuck!!" I muttered when i heard a tone of the call waiting again.

"What’s wrong?" Gerda asked immediately.

"It’s Marco," i said. Although i didn’t saw my LCD again, i already knew that it was definitely him.

"Is he calling?" Asked Gerda.

"I have more than twenty missed call and message from him since last night,"

"Why you don’t answer him? Maybe he wanna tell something,"

"Apologize. I already know it and i’m too tired to hear it," i said. I sighed relief when the tone stopped. Somehow, eventhough i wouldn’t answer his call but the tone of the call waiting made me feel uncomfortable. But not in a minute it sounded again. "Damn it, why he’s not give up to call me??"

"He won’t until you answer the phone, Mil. Trust me. Just answer him, if you don’t wanna hear his apology, so don’t hear it,"

I sighed loudly. “Ok.. I’ll call you later, Gerd,” i said. Gerda was right. Maybe i should answer this call and when i didn’t wanna hear his bullshit, i just had to pulled down the phone from my ear and let him talk until he finished.

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