Chapter 31

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I couldn't believe it. Once again i couldn't believe it. It was really awkward and weird. I was in Gokyuzu Restaurant, one of the famous Turkish Restaurant in London, sitting together on the same table with Marco and André and also that girl. The blonde girl that André brought to join the dinner with us. She introduced herself as Laura. She was pretty but short and have a curvy body. I didn't know who this girl was. André never told me. He said that she was his friend from Düsseldorf. I didn't know if he told the truth or not, but they talked in German and they seemed quite closed. So what was she doing here, in London? Visiting André?

Damn it!! What André was thinking?? If he would tell Marco today, why did he bring this girl to join us?? And if he didn't play to tell him, why did he accept this dinner?? To hide everything and made everything looked normal?? Accepted Marco's invitation and brought a girl as if he was in close to her. Oh god.. I couldn't figure it out. Why was the only word that filled my head now. I couldn't understand André. We were a couple last night and this morning before he went for training. We had sex, kissed and said 'i love you'. We wanted to tell Marco about us but now what he did?? He really made me confuse. If he wanted pretending to Marco, at least he told me about this girl and his plan so i wouldn't be confuse like this. And honestly, i felt like a fool right now.

"Here they are," said Marco excited when when two waiters came with all of our orders. I suspected that they were Turkish or Turkish descent. It was very easy to guess because their faces were very typical.

Now our table was full with variety of menus, ranging from mixed kebabs, manti, pizza, to salads. Marco was the one who started taking the food, then André and his 'girl' Laura followed. I stared at the empty plate in front of me. I hadn't take anything for my dinner, whereas this food were all that i saw on tv this afternoon, which managed to arouse my appetite. But now, when everything was here in front of me, i didn't even wanna eat it. I lost my appetite, because the atmosphere here, right now, was really bugging me.

"Hey, why you're not take anything?" Asked Marco when he saw that my plate was still empty.

"I-i still think what i wanna eat," i lie for a reason.

"You have to try this, babe. It's really delicious," said Marco while taking some kebab meat and Turkish salad.

I glanced to André when Marco was taking the food for me and i got him was staring at me. But when our eyes met, he immediately switched his focus to his plate.

Okay, if this was what he wanted, i would follow his game. Maybe he hadn't ready yet to tell Marco because yes, it was really of a sudden. We chatted during the dinner and also some jokes from André were good enough to make the atmosphere better. André chatted mostly with Marco and the topic was certainly about football while i had a light conversation with Laura about my tv show and London. I admitted that she was a nice girl. She was type of a girl who could make a friend with someone in a minute. But still her presence here with us a little bit made me uncomfortable. I didn't know who she was for exactly and what kind of relationship she had with André. Honestly she made me jealous. I thought i couldn't be calm until i knew the truth but this girl also made me realise. Apparantly i hadn't know many things about André. I didn't know whoever his friends besides David. Oh my god, why did suddenly i feel that André was so far away from me??

"Where will you going now?" Asked Marco while putting his credit card into his wallet. After a debate about who would pay, finally André gave up and let Marco paid the bill.

"We'll going to a club. My friend David is DJ-ing tonight. And you?" Said André while finishing the last sip of his drink. Then he stood and started walking from the table.

"David? David who went to Ibiza with us last year?" Asked Marco.

"Yeah he got a job here," said André while smiling at the waiter who opening the door for us.

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