Chapter 10

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August, 2th

I wanted this year to be different. I didn't want a party, i didn't wanna celebrate it at the club as in a previous year. This year i wanted to make it more private and simple. In addition to the time which just left a little to prepare a party, based on my situation these days, I prefered to celebrate my birthday with a very special person to me and had a quality time with him rather than having all manner of fun with friends in the club. So i decided just to have a romantic dinner with Marco at our favorite restaurant to celebrate my birthday.

I asked Gerda to help me making a reservation at the restaurant two days ago because apparantly i still had to go Berlin for shooting and i just could return to Dortmund today, right on my birthday. Without early reservation, i was sure that we wouldn't get a table at that restaurant. I also couldn't ask Marco do to this because i knew he was busy with BVB. They had many events and activities to do this week before they started the new season, plus they had to do some preparation for the winning celebration tomorrow. But i already told him that we would have a dinner tonight and he said yes.

Marco wasn't home when i arrived at our apartment. He told me that today he would visit the orphanage with the team and he had to meet Klopp to make a speech for tomorrow. He was been chosen to speech by the team and management because his two goals in the final. He was brilliant and i was so proud at him. Except all of his behavior lately, he was a perfect man.

3.30pm i awakened. I was so tired and i decided to sleep for a while before i went to the studio and then to the restaurant for the dinner. I rose from my bed, walking with full of laziness towards the bathroom and took a shower. I dressed myself with my daily casual outfit to go to the studio, then i put my new dress which i got from a London designer when i modeled for their collection and also my new Zara pump shoes into my gym bag. I wouldn't have enough time after my broadcast to return to home and then went again to the restaurant. My broadcast would finished at 7pm and Gerda made a reservation at 8pm. So i thought, i would switch my clothes in the studio.

I sent a message to Marco before i started on air. I reminded him about the dinner and said that i would go to the restaurant by myself so we could direct meet there. Not in a minute later, he sent the message back and said, ok, see you soon. I smiled when i read his message. Something inside my heart was restless. I couldn't wait to see him. I remembered my birthday last year, He was with BVB for their summer tour and i almost cried because he didn't say 'happy birthday' until the evening. But then, suddenly he came to the club where i was celebrating my birthday with a big bunch of white roses. I didn't know what he would do this year. He hadn't say happy birthday to me today. We didn't meet since three days ago and we just talked by phone or whatsapp, so i could just waiting.

Almost 8 o'clock, i arrived at the restaurant. Gerda took me there because that restaurant located on the street that she must passed to get home. The waiter with gray suit directly approached me when i got into the restaurant and when i said my name, he called his friend to take me to the table which already prepared for me. I quite surprised when the waitress showed me the table. It already set for a romantic dinner with candles and a great spot. I thought that i should thanks Gerda for this. Yeah.. She knew whatever i wanted eventhough i didn't tell her.

The waitress gave me a menu and she said that i could call her if i was ready with my order. But i said to her that i still waited for my boyfriend now and i would order the food after he came.

Fifteen minutes passed, but Marco still haven't come. I called him but he didn't pick up my call. Maybe he was still on his way, i thought. He was from the Brackel and the distance between the Brackel and this restaurant was quite far. Almost thirty minutes, he also haven't come. The waitress from earlier came again and asked if i've been ready with my order but i said that i still waited. I called Marco again, still no answer. Where was he? I checked my the message i sent him yesterday to make sure that i didn't make a mistake to tell him about the dinner but i didn't. Ten minutes later, Marco still haven't show up, and i couldn't contact him at all. The waitress came again and this time to be honest i felt a little bit upset at her but then she said that they would accept the last order at 9 o'clock. So i said to her that i certainly would make an order before 9 o'clock.

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