Chapter 39

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Marco's POV

One hour had passed. What the fuck the doctors did inside there?? Why they could took so long?? Why they didn't give me any information?? What happened?? Was Mila alright?? Was my Mila alright??

"Marco, calm down. Everything will be alright," said Mats while patting my shoulder.

"How can i be calm, Mats?? Mila's inside there and it's already one hour and the doctors haven't say anything to me," I said while walking back and forth restlessly.

"Yeah.. But your voice and your act won't help anything, Marc," Mats said calml. He watched me as he folded his hand on his chest. "Why you don't just sit down and waiting?" He asked then.

I stopped walking and locked my eyes on him. He was so cool, it seemed that he didn't feel anything that i felt right now. Mats just raised his eyebrows to reply my gaze. Although i was a bit upset but Mats was right. My panic didn't help at all. I sat on the long irons chair in front of the emergency room while occasionally i saw the lights on the top of the door. I kept hoping, when the light would turn green and the doctor would come out from the door and told me about Mila's condition. 'Everything will be alright, Marco. Everything will be alright,' I said this to myself repeatedly. I really wanted to believe it but i couldn't.

I really felt like a crazy person today. I was scared to death. I was waiting for Mila while watching TV in the living room of my apartment. We wanted to go out for dinner and visited the Christmas night market in downtown but suddenly i heard a loud noise from the bedroom. Sound like something fell. I called Mila but she didn't answer me, so i went upstairs to see the condition and i found her lying on the floor beside the door with blood on her body. Her blue jeans changed to purple, especially on the thighs area. I ran to get her. I lifted her head and when i removed her hair from her face, i was very shocked. God, apparently the blood was also out of her nose. I called her name, shook her, even patting her cheek but she didn't react.

I was so panic and i was so scare. I never saw her like this. I even called Mats instead of the ambulance. That was a stupid thing. I wanted to call the ambulance but i didn't know why i could dial Mats number. Thanks God finally Mats helped me. He called the ambulance for me and now he was here to accompany me.

I didn't know what happened. Why she could suddenly collapsed like that. About half hour ago, before she fell down, she was still healthy eventhough her face looked a bit pale. But i didn't think anything bad because she didn't look sick at well.

"Reus," i turned my head when i heard someone called me. It was Gerda. I called her after i arrived in this hospital. She really shocked when i told her about Mila, she even thought that i was joking. Yeahh.. I hoped that Mila was joking too. "Reus, how's Mila?" Asked Gerda while running approaching me. Her face looked so worried.

"She's still inside. The doctors still take action for her," i said, turning my head to see the blue door that still closed.

"Oh my god," Gerda followed my gaze, looked at the door in front her while closing her mouth with her hand. "What's happened??" she asked. Her voice sounded trembling and she looked was about to cry.

"I don't know. I found her collapse and bleeding," i said, looking down to the floor with empty gaze while shooking my head. It wasn't the right time to ask what happened to me right now. I had no idea and i could be crazy to hear that because everyone, started from my mom to papa Klopp seemed just have the same question.

"But she was fine when you both left my apartment, right? So how could she collapsed of a sudden??" She asked, freaking out. Her voice became louder than before.

"Yeah everything was fine before, even half hour before she collapsed, i still talked with her in our bedroom and she was fine. So i don't know what exactly happened but this is what happened," i said without looking at her.

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