Chapter 41

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André's POV

It felt like a dream. Never thought before in my life i would be here in situation like this. Coulple times ago, i ever said that i loved to see Mila's sleeping face. She looked so peace and beautiful but now i really wanted her to wake up soon.

Marco was wrong, my presence here didn't make any change. Mila didn't wake up too. She slept like a sleeping princess. "What's on your mind today, Mil? Do you know that i'm here?" I said while stroking her cheek slowly. "You know, Mou gave me a warning in our training this morning because i couldn't focus. Well, how could i focus? There's only you in my head, i can't think of anything else. So you have to wake up. At least say hi to me. You've made me scolded by the coach, you have to be responsible. Please wake up.. I love you, I love you so much," i whispered to her eventhough i wasn't sure that she could hear me.

Tears were in my eyes. I began to feel frustrated. I buried my face in her hand while i kept holding it. What should I do? How much longer i should see her like this? Why she didn't wanna wake up? I was really scared. I didn't want her to leave me. Please God, wake her up..

I raised my head when i heard a noise if someone entered the room. I quickly wiped my tears and turned toward the door. A middle-aged woman appeared and she smiled at me. She was so beautiful, still beautiful in her age. Dark brown hair, blue eyes, a stylish clothes, she didn't look old at all. Looking at her made me recall of someone. Mila. Yes Mila... Now i knew from where Mila's beauty came from. Mila had her roots.

I stood from the chair when she walked closer. She stopped right beside Mila's bed and stroked her daughter's forehead gently as stared her face. "How is she?" She asked me without looking.

Diane Klinsman, Mila's mother. This was the first time i met her. Mila had ever told me that her mom was a strong woman, wise, but also very kind. I thought that she was right. When Marco introduced me to her earlier, she looked confuse for a while but then she allowed me to stayed at Mila's room.

"Still the same," i said. I followed her, looking at Mila while kept holding her hand.

Diane sighed slowly. Once again she stroked Mila's forehead and she gave her a kiss on it. Then she turned to me, "do you want accompany me to have a coffee, Mr. Schürrle?" She asked me of a sudden. "I think we also haven't know each other,"

Her words quite made me surprise. I had a doubt at first but she looked so friendly and kind. "Sure, Mrs. Klinsman. My name is André,"

"Yes i know," she smiled as she started moving from bedside.

I was about to follow her but when i was about to release my hand from Mila, i felt her hand like moving. I stopped immediately and turned to her. "Mila," i called her while walking back to the bedside.

"What's wrong?" Asked Mila's mom when she heard me called Mila. She was directly back and stood behind me.

"Her hand moved," i said while turning to her then i switched my eyes back to Mila. One more times i felt her hand moved very slowly but it moved. "Mila.. Mila, you can hear me baby?" I called her again.

My waiting brought a result. Mila began to move her eyes. The movement was still very weak but slowly she opened her eyes. She blinked for several times, maybe to adjust her eyes with light and the room situation. Then she moved her head to see me.

"André? Is that you?" She asked slowly. Her voice was so weak and barely audible. It seemed that she still needed time to gather her energy.

"Yes baby it's me André, i'm here," i replied her soon. I grabbed her hand while storking her forehead with my other hand. Oh god.. Thanks god she woke up.

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