Chapter 30

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I didn't know what André was thinking. Why did he accept Marco's invitation for having dinner together? Why? Was it not a problem for him? Did he not care? Really? While i even couldn't imagine about it. I should sit together with André and Marco on the same table, having a dinner while chatting and joking. Oh my god!! I couldn't. I just couldn't. Maybe i should find some reason to Marco cancel the dinner.

I glanced at Marco who sat beside me while watching a comedy show on TV. His face looked so happy and looked that he was really excited to have this dinner and met André. It seemed that impossible to make him cancel it but i really didn't wanna sit together with them both, or maybe i was the one who had to cancel it and let them have their dinner without me. Damn it!! I really didn't know what i have to do. I still couldn't understand why André did this. Did he do this to hide our relationship? Sitting together with Marco and i and pretended like nothing happened? But we had agreed to tell Marco about us because we wanted to be together. It was only about the time to tell Marco and i just hadn't find the right time to tell him. Wait.. Oh god!! Did André plan something?? Did he accept this dinner to tell Marco about us?? I remembered when we were in Stockholm, André told me that he wanted to tell Marco. When i told him that i wanted to tell Marco by myself, he insisted to tell him with me. Yeah, it was possible. He should plan something, if not, i thought he wouldn't agree about the dinner.

Fifteen minutes before 7 pm, Marco's phone rang. Probably it was André, he promised Marco to call him when he left his flat. I turned to Marco directly and saw he smile when he looked at his phone. I bet that i was right. Marco picked up the phone and talked just for some second.

"André is on the way," he said directly while putting his phone beside him.

"Oh..," i simple replied, trying to show a normal expression although in fact i was really nervous.

"You don't wanna dress up?" Asked Marco while directing his thumb to my bedroom.

"Ah yes.. You're right," i said as i stood up from the sofa and made my way to the bedroom.

I sighed loudly while watching my wardrobe. Suddenly i felt that this pile of my clothes made my head dizzy. Maybe my clothes were too many. Whereas i had left some in Dortmund. Gosh. I didn't know what should i wear tonight. I couldn't think properly.

Finally i chose my new Alice + Olivia long-sleeve t-shirt that i received yesterday from their promotion team so i could give them endorsement. Sometimes i did receive some stuff from the sponsors, designers or magazines. And it was also the reason why my wardrobe could be filled like this.

I stared at my self on the mirror after i wore my new t-shirt. It was a crop top with horizontal black and white stripe as a pattern. It was a simple model but i loved this top and it was so easy to pair it with another clothes. I pondered for a while as i switched my attention to the pants section. I thought the super skinny denim would be good for the top.

In about ten minutes, i had finished with my self. I knew that the time length from André's flat to my apartment would take about 30 minutes, so i didn't need to be in a hurry. Yeahh.. I knew it correctly because we had through it for many times. I chuckled at myself while imagining about what would happen in several hours later and what André was planning. I couldn't be calm because of it. It made me crazy. Hey, why did i not call André to asking? Yeah, called him might could make me felt better.

"Mila.. Are you done?" I heard Marco's voice of a sudden when i was about to text André. I turned to where the voice came from and apparantly he had stood while knocking my bedroom door which was opened.

"Y-yeahh.. I'm done," i said a bit panic as i put my phone into my Prada bag immediately. "Is André has coming?" I pretended to ask him back. Whereas i knew that André surely hadn't come yet. Omg, i hated this. I hated myself when i had to pretending like this. I really wanted over this soon. Marco should know about us and it would hurt him though but after it he could forget me and moved on, finding someone else maybe. Yeah.. I didn't expect that he would forgive me but at least i was not going to hurt him like this continuously.

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